From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Hanson's Marathon Method (second edition) }}[[File:Hanson.jpg|right|thumb|200px|[http://www.amazon.com/dp/1934030856 1937715485 Hanson's Marathon Method (second edition) ].]]The Hanson's Marathon Method has gained attention because it limits the longest [[Long Run]] to 16 milesfor most of their plans. This approach is based around the concern that a longer run can result in injury, and is unlikely to improve fitness. While I agree completely disagree with their concern, but I believe that the solution is not Hanson approach to avoid the longer distance runs, but to build up the level of fitness gradually enough that the athlete is well-prepared. However, what the Hanson plans lack in long runs, they make up for in do include marathon paced midweek running, and many runners have had success with Hanson. Of course, we tend to only hear about people's successes, so it's hard to systematically evaluate the actual success rate of any plan. The book includes three fully documented plans ("Just Finish", "Beginner", and "Advanced") plus an example list of workouts from an Elite runner. (This article should be read in conjunction with my [[A Comparison of Marathon Training Plans| Comparison of Marathon Training Plans]].){{BuyAmazon|AZID=1934030856 1937715485 |AZN=Hanson's Marathon Method }}=The Long Run Controversy=The Hanson's limit of 16 miles for a [[Long Run]] is based around a number of concerns, which I've listed below, along with my thoughts on their concerns. * A 20 mile run can be physically injurious. ** While it's reasonable that running further than your endurance will support, I've seen no evidence that any particular distance is associated with an increased injury rate. It seems far more reasonable that the issue is the lack of gradual build up than any specific distance that increases risk. * A 20 mile run can be demoralizing.** Any run that takes you beyond your capabilities can be demoralizing, be it a long run or speedwork. If a long run is accomplished without undue fatigue, it can be a moral boost. * There is plenty of academic evidence against 20 mile training runs. ** I have been unable to locate any such evidence, despite many hours of searching. The book provides no references to any research. * The Hanson Long Run approach is like the last 16 miles of a marathon, not the first.** This is an odd statement; if it is true, then the Hanson Long Run is going to be as damaging as the race itself. If we take this as hyperbole, and assume their idea of cumulative fatigue makes the 16 mile long run as hard as other plans 20+ mile runs, then the arguments still don't make sense to me. * A Long Run should not be more than 25-30% of total weekly mileage.** I've seen no research or valid rationale for why this idea has taken root in the running community. The idea that increased fatigue from shorter runs allows for a longer Long Run does not seem reasonable. Compare this with other forms of fatigue: would working more hours in the week allow you to work an even longer day at the weekend? * 20 miles is an arbitrary distance.** This is perfectly valid, but I've not seen other plans use 20 miles as a specific distance. Of all the plans I've evaluated, only a tiny number have their longest Long Run as 20 miles. * A 2 hour easy-to-moderate length run will deplete Glycogen so much it may take 72 hours to recover, which impairs other training.** I would agree that running longer than your endurance will support can impair further training that week, which is why I believe it's critical to build up the long run gradually. However, I've run 26+ mile Long Runs four times a week for months without having any issues with glycogen replenishment. * The Marathon does physical damage, and therefore so will a 20 mile run.** An all-out marathon race tends to cause significant damage, especially in those that have not trained sufficiently to build up their endurance. However, a slower paced long run can be achieved without minimal recovery effort. * Research says 2-3 hours is the optimal time for a Long Run. ** I have been unable to locate any such research despite extensive searching. =The Beginner & Advanced Plans=
* Key Characteristics
** The [[Long Run]]s are limited to 16 miles, but it has more Marathon Paced shorter runs.
** Three key workouts; interval, tempo and [[Long Run]].** While called tempo runs, these are actually done at marathon pace. The beginners plan has 5 to 10 miles at marathon pace runs during the week and the advanced has 6 to 10 miles.
** For the first half of the plan the interval training is at around 5K pace, and for the second half is at 10 seconds faster than marathon pace.
** All training paces are defined based on goal pace.
* Modifications
** Dropping one of the midweek short easy runs to improve rest and recovery might improve the fitness gains, but it also might undermine the accumulated fatigue that the authors believe are necessary to make sure that distance [[Long Run]]s sufficient.
* [[Overtraining]] risk* It may be possible * The plan explicitly builds up cumulative fatigue a key contributor to use the sample elite training plan in the appendix of the book, but it does not seem like it's intended for that purpose. * [[OvertrainingSyndome]] risk.
** This plan seems to have the good success with runners that have previously burned out on other plans.
** The reduced distance of the [[Long Run]] clearly reduces the training stress, but having a [[Long Run]], two days of speed work and only one day completely off may create cumulative fatiguecause problems.
* Pros
** The midweek marathon paced runs provide good specificity, and get the athlete used to running at marathon pace. This is my favorite aspect of the Hanson plan and something I think is a huge benefit.
** '''5:30+''': 0. Use [[Galloway]].
** '''Speedwork'''. You have to be prepared to do speed work with this plan
=The Just Finish Plan=
* Key Characteristics
** The "Just Finish" plan is the Hanson beginner plan without the midweek speedwork.
** No speed work or marathon paced running during the [[Long Run]]s.
** Running 5-6 days per week.
* Modifications
** It's unclear to me how this plan could be modified without creating something radically different.
* [[Overtraining]] risk
** While the Hanson plans plan explicitly use cumulative fatigue, it's hard to see this plan developing an meaningful fatigue without the athlete being rather unprepared by the end.
** The plan has a high level of [[Training Monotony]], which is likely to raise the risk of overtraining.
* Pros
** Compared with other plans, the training load is extremely light. The peak weekly mileage is only 47 miles.
** The shorter length [[Long Run]]s is likely to appeal to some runners.
** All training paces are clearly defined.
* Cons
** The training load of this plan is radically lower than other plans. Removing the speedwork from the beginner plan leaves very little. There are three 16 miles Long Runs and some easy running, nothing more.
* {{MarathonGoodFor}}:
** {{MarathonBeginner}}: 2. This is who the plan is intended for. My concern is that the plan won't prepare adequately for the stress of the marathon.
** {{MarathonNovice}}: 1. Given your history of speedwork you'd be better off with an alternative.
** {{MarathonRinger}}: 0. You're experience at shorter distances means you don't need to avoid speedwork.
** {{MarathonMaintenance}}: 2. For a runner just trying to maintain their marathon skills this plan requires little commitment, so your existing endurance may allow you to use this plan to keep things more or less topped up.
** {{MarathonImprover}}: 0. This plan is for a beginner only.
** {{MarathonEnthusiast}}: 0. This plan is for a beginner only.
** {{MarathonElite}}: 0. This plan is for a beginner only.
** '''Limited Training Time''': 3. This plan requires relatively little time, though the time is spent at an easy pace, so I'd recommend looking at [[FIRST]].
** '''Traditionalist''': 0. This is far from a traditional plan.
** '''Triathlete/Multisport''': 0. These plans require 6 days/week, so there is little time left in this plan for alternative sport training.
** '''Prior [[Overtraining]]''': 1. The high levels of [[Training Monotony]] make this a poor choice.
** '''Sub 3:00''': 1. You need more than this as a fast runner.
** '''3:00-4:30''': 2. A beginner mid-pack runner is probably best suited to this plan.
** '''4:30-5:30''': 1. This plan could work for runners as slow as 5:00 (the slowest covered in the book), but you're probably better off with [[Galloway]].
** '''5:30+''': 0. Use [[Galloway]].
** '''Speedwork'''. There's no speed work with this plan.
=The Elite Plan=
The Elite plan is included in Appendix A of the book, and is not covered in great depth.
* Key Characteristics
** The plan uses a 9-day cycle rather than the more usual 7-day cycle of other plans. This can work well for elites who often don't have the restriction of only running long on the weekends.
** The [[Long Run]]s are generally 18-21 miles, but the plan has many other days of running doubles, with 12-14 in the morning and 4-6 in the evening.
** Expect to run 16+ miles most days of the plan.
** Weekly mileage is in the 120-140 mile range.
** There are various speed workouts, including a 20 miler that picks up pace from 6:34 to 5:10 pace.
** The plan only shows one rest day in the 15-week plan.
* Modifications
** The taper is extremely short, and I suspect even elites would benefit from a little more.
* [[Overtraining]] risk
** The plan has a high training load and a high [[Training Monotony]], though it's also fairly short, having only about 10 weeks of intense training.
* Pros
** The Hanson program has produced successful results, though as always, it's hard to know how optimal a plan is from its success stories. The harder a plan, the more beneficial it's likely to be for a smaller subset of runners who can survive it. Also, there's no way of knowing how the successful runners would do with alternative plans.
* Cons
** My main concern with the Elite plan is probably the lack of details provided. This doesn't quite feel like a plan that the authors are intending the reader to use, which makes it's inclusion in the book a little odd.
* {{MarathonGoodFor}}:
** {{MarathonBeginner}}: 0. No, this is a true elite plan.
** {{MarathonNovice}}: 0. No, this is a true elite plan.
** {{MarathonRinger}}: 2. If you are an elite runner at shorter distances, then this is worth considering. However, check out [[Lydiard]] and [[Jack Daniels]] Elite plans as well.
** {{MarathonMaintenance}}: 0. No, this is not only for elite runners, but to allow them to improve.
** {{MarathonImprover}}: 0. This is going to be too tough for most improvers given your lack of prior hard training.
** {{MarathonEnthusiast}}: 1. I'd recommend studying this plan even if you don't use it directly. You should also read up on [[Lydiard]] and [[Jack Daniels]] Elite.
** {{MarathonElite}}: 3. The Hanson's success with elite runners means you should seriously consider their plan, along with others.
** '''Limited Training Time''': 0. No, as you'd need time for 120+ mile weeks.
** '''Traditionalist''': 2. The 9 day cycle is not traditional, but the other aspects are close to [[Lydiard]] and other traditional elite plan.
** '''Triathlete/Multisport''': 0. You need to be focused on just running.
** '''Prior [[Overtraining]]''': 1. The high load and [[Training Monotony]] make this risky.
** '''Sub 3:00''': 3. This plan is for faster runners.
** '''3:00-4:30''': 0. This is for elites only.
** '''4:30-5:30''': 0. This is for elites only.
** '''5:30+''': 0. Use [[Galloway]].
** '''Speedwork'''. You have to be prepared to do speed work with this plan.
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