From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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! Water to
be Isotonic<sup>e</sup>
! Water to be Isotonic (per 100 cal)
! Weight<sup>f</sup>
! Carbs/g
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=hammer%20gel Hammer Gel]</span>
| style="background-color: #FCBF7BFDCA7D;" |90| style="background-color: #FEDD81FEDF81;" |23
| 2
| 21
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FA9673FA9D75;" |20
| 0
| data-sort-value="50"| 0/25/50
| style="background-color: #8BC97D8AC97D;" |103| style="background-color: #8FCA7D;" |115
| 33
| style="background-color: #D6E082D5DF82;" |0.70
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |2.73
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |10
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=SIS+GO+Isotonic&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3ASIS+GO+Isotonic SIS Isotonic]</span>
| style="background-color: #FBAE78FCBD7B;" |86| style="background-color: #FDCF7EFDD07E;" |22
| 0.6
| 21.4
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #F97F6FF98370;" |10
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |47
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |55
| 60
| style="background-color: #F8766DFA9273;" |0.37| style="background-color: #F8736DFA9172;" |1.43
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |10
| 1
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Carb+BOOM+&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3ACarb+BOOM+ Carb BOOM]</span>
| style="background-color: #F0E784;" |110
| style="background-color: #EEE683EDE683;" |27
| 3
| 24
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FEDA80FFEB84;" |50
| 50
| 0
| style="background-color: #A9D27FA7D17E;" |145| style="background-color: #9BCE7E;" |132
| 41
| style="background-color: #FEEA83FFEB84;" |0.66| style="background-color: #FEE683FEE783;" |2.68
| style="background-color: #83C77D;" |9
| 16
| 0
| 0/2
| style="background-color: #FEDA80FFEB84;" |50
| 40
| data-sort-value="50"| 0/25/50
| style="background-color: #BED880BCD780;" |175| style="background-color: #BBD780;" |175
| 32
| style="background-color: #78C57D78C47D;" |0.78
| style="background-color: #87C97E;" |3.13
| style="background-color: #A2D07F;" |8
| 1.7
| 0
| style="background-color: #C2DA81BED981;" |125
| 55
| data-sort-value="35"|0/35
| style="background-color: #D1DD81CEDD81;" |201| style="background-color: #CEDD81;" |201
| 32
| style="background-color: #78C57D78C47D;" |0.78
| style="background-color: #87C97E;" |3.13
| style="background-color: #A2D07F;" |8
| 1
| 1.5
| style="background-color: #F9EA84F3E884;" |65
| 60
| 0
| style="background-color: #B6D67FB4D57F;" |164| style="background-color: #B3D57F;" |164
| 32
| style="background-color: #FEDD81FEE082;" |0.63
| style="background-color: #87C97E;" |3.13
| style="background-color: #C1DA81;" |7
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=vfuel VFuel]</span>
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100
| style="background-color: #FEDD81FEDF81;" |23
| 6
| 17
| 0
| 1
| style="background-color: #F97F6FF98370;" |10
| 15
| 10
| style="background-color: #B9D67FB7D67F;" |168| style="background-color: #B6D57F;" |168
| 32
| style="background-color: #BED981BDD881;" |0.72
| style="background-color: #87C97E;" |3.13
| style="background-color: #C1DA81;" |7
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=+Clif+Shot&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3A+Clif+Shot Clif Shot (new formula)]</span>
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100
| style="background-color: #FFEB84FEEB84;" |24
| 12
| 12
| 0
| 0/1.5
| style="background-color: #E2E383DDE182;" |90
| 50
| data-sort-value="100"|0/25/50/100
| style="background-color: #FFE082FFE283;" |292| style="background-color: #FFDC81;" |292
| 34
| style="background-color: #CCDD82CBDC81;" |0.71
| style="background-color: #BFD981;" |2.94
| style="background-color: #E0E383;" |6
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/279-3008037-1507112?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=USN+Vooma+Energy USN Vooma Energy]</span>
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100
| style="background-color: #FEE983FFEB84;" |23.8
| 7.9
| 15.9
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #D9E082D4DF82;" |100
| 50
| 30
| style="background-color: #E4E382E1E282;" |228| style="background-color: #E2E282;" |228
| 36
| style="background-color: #FEEB84FDEB84;" |0.66
| style="background-color: #F0E784;" |2.78
| style="background-color: #E0E383;" |6
| 0.25
| 0
| style="background-color: #D9E082D4DF82;" |100
| 72.5
| 0
| style="background-color: #FED881FFDA81;" |313| style="background-color: #FECF7F;" |313
| 32.5
| style="background-color: #86C87D85C87D;" |0.77
| style="background-color: #96CD7E;" |3.08
| style="background-color: #FCEB84;" |5
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=PowerBar+Gel&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3APowerBar+Gel PowerBar Gel]</span>
| style="background-color: #F0E784;" |110
| style="background-color: #EEE683EDE683;" |27
| 10
| 17
| 0
| 0/1.5
| style="background-color: #7FC67D7DC67D;" |200
| 20
| data-sort-value="50"| 0/25/50
| style="background-color: #FFE082FFE283;" |293| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |267
| 41
| style="background-color: #FEEA83FFEB84;" |0.66| style="background-color: #FEE683FEE783;" |2.68
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |5
| 5
| 85
| 0
| style="background-color: #FFDF82FFE183;" |295| style="background-color: #CBDC81;" |197
| 55
| style="background-color: #F1E784F0E784;" |0.67
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |2.73
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |5
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.co.uk/High-Summer-Fruits-Energy-Pack/dp/B005K8IGPS High5 EnergyGel]</span>
| style="background-color: #FDC87DFDD17F;" |92| style="background-color: #FEDD81FEDF81;" |23
| 3
| 20
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FA9673FA9D75;" |20
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #98CD7E97CD7E;" |122| style="background-color: #9CCE7E;" |132
| 30
| style="background-color: #89C97E88C97E;" |0.77
| style="background-color: #99CE7F;" |3.07
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |5
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ISOStar+Gel ISOStar]</span>
| style="background-color: #EDE683;" |112
| style="background-color: #E8E583E7E583;" |28
| 15.8
| 12.2
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #EBE683E5E483;" |80
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FDC67DFEC77E;" |357| style="background-color: #FECB7E;" |318
| 35
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |0.80
| 5
| 0
| style="background-color: #CCDD82C7DB81;" |115
| 30
| data-sort-value="20"|0/20
| style="background-color: #FFDE82FFE082;" |297| style="background-color: #FFD981;" |297
| 37
| style="background-color: #FCBB7AFDC77D;" |0.54| style="background-color: #FEE883FEE983;" |2.70
| style="background-color: #FDD17F;" |4
| 32
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=island%20boost&sprefix=island+boost%2Caps Island Boost]</span>
| style="background-color: #F8696BF98971;" |70
| style="background-color: #F8776D;" |16
| 16
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FEDA80FFEB84;" |50
| 65
| 0
| style="background-color: #FED881FFDA81;" |311| style="background-color: #FA7D6F;" |445
| 34
| style="background-color: #FA9F75FBB279;" |0.47| style="background-color: #FBAD78FCBC7B;" |2.06
| style="background-color: #FCB77A;" |3
| 0
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Huma%20Chia Huma Chia ]</span>
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100
| style="background-color: #FDCF7EFDD07E;" |22
| 18
| 0
| 1
| 1
| style="background-color: #D5DF82D0DE82;" |105
| 30
| 0
| style="background-color: #FDC67DFEC87E;" |356| style="background-color: #FDB57A;" |356
| 46
| style="background-color: #FBA276FCB479;" |0.48| style="background-color: #FCB77AFCC47C;" |2.17
| style="background-color: #FCB77A;" |3
| 16
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FEDA80FFEB84;" |50
| 85
| data-sort-value="32"|0/32
| style="background-color: #F96D6C;" |572
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |477
| 37
| style="background-color: #76C47D75C47D;" |0.78
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |3.24
| style="background-color: #FA9D75;" |2
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FCC17BFDCE7E;" |39
| 0
| data-sort-value="160"|0/160
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |580
| style="background-color: #FFE182;" |284
| 75
| style="background-color: #E9E583E8E583;" |0.68
| style="background-color: #FEEA83;" |2.72
| style="background-color: #FA9D75;" |2
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.rei.com/product/815338/chocolate-9-energy-gel Chocolate #9]</span>
| style="background-color: #F8696BF98971;" |70
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |15
| 13
| 1
| 1
| style="background-color: #F0E784EAE583;" |75
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #F8E983F4E883;" |256| style="background-color: #FCAE79;" |365
| 30
| style="background-color: #FBAB77FCBB7A;" |0.50| style="background-color: #FDC67DFDCF7E;" |2.33
| style="background-color: #FA9D75;" |2
| 100,000+
| Not Generally Recommended
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[https://www.amazon.com/Glukos-Energy-Fruit-Punch-Pack/dp/B017T02XIK Glukos]</span>
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |60
| style="background-color: #F8776D;" |16
| 16
| 0
| 16
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FA9072;" |15
| 150
| 0
| style="background-color: #FFE884;" |280
| style="background-color: #F9706D;" |466
| 70
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0.23
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0.86
| style="background-color: #FA9D75;" |2
| 0
| Not Recommended
| Mud Energy Gel
| style="background-color: #B4D680;" |150
| style="background-color: #FFEB84FEEB84;" |24
| 20
| 0
| 12
| 1
| style="background-color: #FEDA80FFEB84;" |50
| 98
| 0
| style="background-color: #FDBB7BFDBD7B;" |382| style="background-color: #F6E883;" |255
| 66
| style="background-color: #F8756DFA9172;" |0.36| style="background-color: #FCC17BFDCB7D;" |2.27
| style="background-color: #F98370;" |1
| 680
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=2nd+Surge&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3A2nd+Surge 2nd Surge]</span>
| style="background-color: #FCBF7BFDCA7D;" |90| style="background-color: #FA9473FA9573;" |18
| 13
| 0
| 3
| 0
| style="background-color: #CCDD82C7DB81;" |115
| 15
| 100
| style="background-color: #FFE884FFEA84;" |274| style="background-color: #FED480;" |304
| 30
| style="background-color: #FDD37FFED980;" |0.60
| style="background-color: #ADD480;" |3.00
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0
| Zipvit ZV7N
| style="background-color: #FEE683FEE783;" |99
| style="background-color: #F9EA84;" |25
| 2
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #6FC17B6EC17B;" |64| style="background-color: #6AC07B;" |65
| 75
| style="background-color: #F8696BF98871;" |0.33| style="background-color: #F8696BF98971;" |1.32
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0
| 2
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Chia+Surge&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3AChia+Surge Chia Surge]</span>
| style="background-color: #F97E6FFA9974;" |75
| style="background-color: #F98670;" |17
| 11
| 0
| 1
| style="background-color: #F8726CF8736D;" |4
| 26
| 0
| style="background-color: #DBE081D8DF81;" |215| style="background-color: #FFDF82;" |287
| 37
| style="background-color: #FA9B74FBAE78;" |0.46| style="background-color: #FBAA77FCBA7A;" |2.03
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0
| 335
| Not Recommended