From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
→Suggestions for EB sufferers
* '''Protein'''. Obviously the additional needs of wound healing require an increased protein intake. I drink quite a bit of organic full fat milk which has good protein intake, but I also supplement with a good protein powder. I use [http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dhpc&field-keywords=Optimum+Nutrition+100%25+Whey+Gold+Standard&rh=n%3A3760901%2Ck%3AOptimum+Nutrition+100%25+Whey+Gold+Standard Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard].
* '''Humidity'''. I've found that while I love the desert, and low humidity environments, my skin is just the opposite. In winter I use a humidifier, which has helped my skin enormously.
* '''Acid Reflux Medication'''. I don't have a problem with acid reflux (that I know of), and being an ultrarunner I don't want to mess up my digestive system. However, many EB sufferers take medication like Nexium to prevent acid reflux damaging the throat.
=Fellrnr's Shake=
This is one of the various shakes I make up, adapted for EB sufferers.