From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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* Macadamia nuts are naturally about a 3:1 ratio, and can be mixed with butter to raise the ratio<ref name="Kossoff-2011-2163"/>.
* Avocados are one of the few fruits that are high enough in fat to be allowed on the Ketogenic Diet.
* Of the various oils, I've found Macadamia nut oil one of the more useful as it is high in mono-unsaturated fats and it , has little flavorand is easily digested.
* Heavy cream, sometimes called heavy whipping cream or double cream is high in fat, tastes good and is easily digested.
* While most cheese has too much protein and carbohydrate to be widely used, triple cream brie has a much higher fat content. In the US you can find it at Trader Joe'sas Saint Andre Triple Creme Brie, Belletoile Triple Cream Brie or Triple Cream Brie with Wild Mushrooms.
* My preferred sweetener is Sucralose based on my personal evaluation of the available evidence. Be careful using sugar alcohols as these may interfere with ketosis; see [[Net Carbohydrates]] for more details.
==Dark Mojo==
I've experimented with various approaches to mid-run fueling, and I've named my best approach so far 'Dark Mojo'.
* 1 part Nuttela[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutella Nutella]. This has quite a bit of sugar, but that should be okay as we're missing mixing it with other oils and taking it during exercise. Other, similar products could probably be used, or you could even mix up your own.
* 1 part MCT. I use MCT rather than Coconut oil mainly because the later will solidify in cool weather. You need to be careful taking MCT as it can cause dramatic digestive upsets. I've found that I'm okay as long as the MCT is sufficiently mixed with other oils or foods.
* 1 part Macadamia Nut Oil. If you're having problems with This is more easily digested than the MCTand has little flavor. You can use Canola oil, use more Macadamia Nut Oil and less MCTwhich is cheaper.To make, simply mix up in a container and it's good to take. The Nuttela Nutella can settle out, so you may need to stir it before consumption. It can be drunk, as it has a thin consistency and I've not had a problem with the texture. Without the Nuttela Nutella the texture is too oily and triggers the gag reflex. If you're having problems with the MCT, use more Macadamia Nut Oil and less MCT. =The Chocolate Edge=This mixture is like the filling of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrero_Rocher Ferrero Rocher chocolates], in much the same way that a bicycle is like a motorbike. I call this 'the chocolate edge' as it's on the edge of palatability. The recipe is similar to the dark mojo above, but uses coconut oil instead of MCT, which when refrigerated creates a smooth chocolate paste. Use 1 part Nutella to 1 part Coconut oil and 1 part Macadamia nut oil. {| class="wikitable"! Serving size! 1 Tablespoon|-| Calories| 85|-| Fat| 8g|-| Carbs| 4g|-| Protein| 0.5g|-| Simple Ketogenic Ratio| 1:2|}
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