From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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==What Worked==
* '''[[Modified Nike Free]] Trail.''' Because of my skin condition, no trail shoe offers sufficient protection. I have been pleasantly surprised by the combination of protection and flexibility that the Nike Free Trail shoe offers. See [[Modified Nike Free]] for a description of the modification.
* '''Vitamin C.''' I experimented with taking Vitamin C on the race. There is some scientific research that Vitamin C prevents oxidative damage to [[Muscle|muscles]], which in turn prevents endurance adaptation. I’ve been modifying my Vitamin C intake during training and found that there is some impact. The goal of racing is optimum performance, not fitness adaptation. Therefore I took 500 mg Vitamin C over three doses through the race. It’s hard to be sure of the effects, but I feel that there may have been some protective benefits. I’ll write more on this in the future.
* '''Hill Week.''' Two weeks ago I did a week where all my running was on my local hill. I think that this helped prepare my legs for the long down hills at MMTR.
* '''2XU Tights.''' This is the first race that’s been cold enough to wear the 2XU Elite compression tights. I think there is a slight benefit from these tights over just calf sleeves, but it is a small benefit. The only downside is that they tend to slide down due to the compression, which is a mild distraction.
==Next Steps==
* '''More Hills.''' I need to do more hill training, even if this reduces my mileage. I think that 20 miles of hill repeats is more valuable than 26 miles on the flat. Putting this into practice will be harder than writing it down.
* '''Body composition.''' Since Hinson Lake 24 hour, I’ve lost some !!Muscle|muscle !! mass and put on body fat. This is probably only 1-2 pounds of each, but enough to have a noticeable impact on performance.
* '''Vitamin C.''' I will continue to experiment with Vitamin C intake.
* '''[[Modified Nike Free]] Trail.''' I need to work out how to block up the holes in the sole that are revealed when the heel is cut down.