From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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= How to treat DOMS? =
Do if you do get DOMS, what can you do?
* There is good evidence Some<ref name="DomsComp"/>, but not all<ref name="Viguier-2010"/> studies show that [[Why compression clothes|Graduated Compression Clothing]] mitigates DOMS.
* [[Caffeine]] has shown to be effective in reducing the pain of DOMS, as well as reducing the weakness<ref name="X1"/>.
* [[NSAIDs and Running|NSAIDS]] (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen/Paracetamol, etc.) have been shown to increase the pain of DOMS, though they may delay its onset<ref name="DomsNsaids"/>, and NSAIDS may also impair healing<ref name="um"/>.
<ref name="DomsNsaids">B-Com Web https://b-com.mci-group.com/Abstract/Statistics/AbstractStatisticsViewPage.aspx?AbstractID=107621 </ref>
<ref name="Evans-2002"> {{Cite journal | last1 = Evans | first1 = RK. | last2 = Knight | first2 = KL. | last3 = Draper | first3 = DO. | last4 = Parcell | first4 = AC. | title = Effects of warm-up before eccentric exercise on indirect markers of muscle damage. | journal = Med Sci Sports Exerc | volume = 34 | issue = 12 | pages = 1892-9 | month = Dec | year = 2002 | doi = 10.1249/01.MSS.0000038895.14935.C8 | PMID = 12471293 }}</ref>
<ref name="DomsComp">Continuous Compression as an Effective Therapeutic Intervention in Treating Eccentric-Exercise-Induced Muscle Soreness http://journals.humankinetics.com/jsr-back-issues/jsrvolume10issue1february/continuouscompressionasaneffectivetherapeuticinterventionintreatingeccentricexerciseinducedmusclesoreness </ref>
<ref name="Viguier-2010"> {{Cite journal | last1 = Viguier | first1 = M. | last2 = Richette | first2 = P. | last3 = Bachelez | first3 = H. | last4 = Wendling | first4 = D. | last5 = Aubin | first5 = F. | title = [Paradoxical cutaneous manifestations during anti-TNF-alpha therapy]. | journal = Ann Dermatol Venereol | volume = 137 | issue = 1 | pages = 64-71; quiz 63, 78-9 | month = Jan | year = 2010 | doi = 10.1016/j.annder.2009.10.003 | PMID = 20110075 }}</ref>