From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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# Avoid high [[Carbohydrates and Glycemic Index|Glycemic Index]] foods. Having continuously elevated blood sugar and insulin levels causes chronic inflammation that compromises the immune system and provides growth hormones the fuel cancerous growth. High [[Carbohydrates and Glycemic Index|Glycemic Index]] foods are also linked to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
# Eat foods with anticancer properties, such as curry, green tea, soy, garlic. The book contains a longer list, and there is another book [http://www.amazon.com/Foods-Fight-Cancer-Essential-prevent/dp/0756628679/ref=pd_sim_b_1 Foods to Fight Cancer] with more information.
# Boost [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega-3_fatty_acid [Omega-3]] intake, which should ideally be 1:1 with [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega-6_fatty_acid Omega-6]. This ratio is found in grass fed animal products, or it can be achieved through foods rich in Omega-3 such as fatty fish or Flax. All [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans_fat Trans Fats] should be avoided (look for "partially hydrogenated” in the ingredients to identify trans fats).
# Detoxify by not consuming poisons. This primarily means eating more organic food, especially animal products such as meat or dairy. For non-animal products, some are worth getting organic, whereas others pose a more limited risk. There is a list of the 12 least contaminated and 12 most contaminated foods at [http://www.organic.org/articles/showarticle/article-214 The Dirty Dozen].
# Exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes per day. The book notes that different types of cancers require different levels of exercise to achieve a comparable effect; for instance, colon cancer requires twice as much as breast cancer.
# Feelings of helplessness ([[Internal Control Index|External Locus Of Control]]) and past emotional traumas compromise our bodies ability to fight cancer. For some, exercise can restore our feeling of control over our lives, but counseling may also be needed.
# Meditation, including yoga, tai chi, etc., helps strengthen our defenses by reducing stress.