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VDOT Results

251 bytes added, 08:15, 1 November 2024
Weight Adjusted Race Times
<include_PHP file="VdotInc_Races"/>
==Weight Adjusted Race Times==
Adjustments based on changing body weight assume that the change occurs only from body fat, which may not be the case. See [[Weight Loss and Performance]] for more details.(Included are critical power estimates, but these should be taking as only a rough estimate. CP(m) is for males, CP(f) is for females, rCP is a running power equivalent of the biking critical power, which seems to be about 20% higher for [[Stryd]].)
<include_PHP file="VdotInc_Weight"/>
==Altitude Adjustment==
This table shows how altitude can impact running performance. The same scaling factor is used for all distances and the calculation assumes you are well acclimated to the altitude.

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