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The Journey to Minimalist Running

66 bytes removed, 21:40, 16 April 2013
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Initially, I expect that many runners will move to minimalist running because they are forced to by injury. As the benefits of minimalist running become better understood and publicized, I expect this will spread. I am going to give suggestions for two types of people; those that are not currently running, and those that are running. I'll then add in some general suggestions, but remember that these suggestions should be taken as a starting point for your journey to minimalist running, not as rigid rules.
==<span style="color:#FF0000">Danger - Too Much Too Soon</span>==
While minimalist running offers a more natural running style that is less prone to injury, the transition to minimalist running can cause serious injuries. Moving to minimalist running requires learning to run again from scratch. One useful analogy is that of taking of a cast from an injured leg; you have to slowly rehabilitate the leg to rebuild the strength. Likewise, a traditional running shoe is like a cast for your foot, and removing it will require a slow rebuilding of strength. Doing [[Too Much Too Soon]] is such a common problem that the acronym TMTS is widely used on barefoot and minimalist running forums. [[Too Much Too Soon]] can result in various foot problems, including stress fractures.
* [[Shoes| Minimalist Running Shoes]]
* [[Toughening Feet]]
* [[Minimalist Running Links]]
* [[Modified Nike Free]]

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