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Observations from 2011 Umstead 100 Aid Station

15 bytes added, 15:22, 7 November 2013
no edit summary
** My dislike of duct tape for [[Taping]] feet was increased at Umstead. The duct tape seemed to keep the skin under the tape quite wet, the tape tended to form creases, and the adhesive was not strong enough for a good bond.
** Several runners complained of blisters when none were evident. It appeared that the problem was localized swelling of the tissue under the foot or possibly some rubbing.
** One runner who tried to adjust their stride to avoid pressure on their blisters had catastrophic [[Muscle|muscle ]] problems. It’s hard to dramatically change your stride for a few miles, and attempting it in an ultra is impractical.
** Runners did not tie their [[Shoes]] well. Some runners forced their feet in and out of their [[Shoes]] without undoing them. Other simply pulled hard on the top of the laces and tied the knot, which changes the pressure on your feet. Instead, the laces should be loosened off completely down the length of the eyes, and then pulled back under gentle tension, working up to the top of the eyes. I find that pulling on the laces with the lace between the forefinger and thumb produces just the right level of pressure; wrapping the lace around a digit allows for too much pressure.
** I noticed that many of the runners with blistered feet were wearing Drymax socks. This could be because most runners were wearing Drymax socks and therefore I saw them more commonly, or because runners who are susceptible to blisters are more likely to wear Drymax, or because Drymax socks were not working well at Umstead.
* '''[[Nausea]]'''. Not only is nausea horribly unpleasant, it also prevents correct hydration and fueling. This seemed to be another remarkably common problem, and once nausea sets in, it seems hard to overcome.
** Getting runners to eat only what appealed to them rather than what they believed was the right food made a difference in a number of cases.
** Getting the runner (or the pacer if available) to carry a couple of cookies and/or crackers with them out of the aid station for later consumption if they appealed also seemed to work in a number of cases.

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