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== Hypothermia ==
Hypothermia is often thought about in connection with very cold temperatures, but mild temperatures (50s) and rain are common causes of hypothermia.

* If you are shivering, but can stop if you make an effort, you are suffering from mild hypothermia (core 96-98f). This will reduce your coordination, which could be a problem on technical trails. The biggest problem is that mild hypothermia will make you mildly stupid, and less lightly to make good decisions. It is important at this stage to correct the problem as soon as possible.
* If you are shivering and cannot stop even if you try, you have moderate hypothermia (core 91 - 95). This is a dangerous condition; You need to get warm and dry urgently.

"The first casualty of hypothermia is good judgment." If you are hypothermic your decision making is likely to be impaired. If in doubt, seek shelter, get warm and dry. If you are with someone who appears to be hypothermic, you may have to look after them more than normal.

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