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Revision as of 16:35, 7 November 2013

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This article is under construction.
Caution: This a skeleton article, so only a rough outline exists. This may consist of semi-completed sections, isolated bullet point and notes to the author.
You are welcome to read what exists so far, and feedback is welcomed. Email "feedback <at> fellrnr <dot> com"

Introduction/Summary. The LGIT restricts the carbohydrate intake to only those foods with a Glycemic Index of less than 50. However, the LGIT is more than just restricting the Glycemic Index, and requires a fat intake of 60% with a Ketogenic Ratio of 1:1. The LGIT is similar to the Modified Adkins Diet and restricts carbohydrates to 40-60 grams/day.

1 See Also

2 References