From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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MCT is considered safe at 1mg/Kg of body weight, and MCT has been shown as effectively non-toxic in high dose (9-12g/Kg) animal studies<ref name="TraulDriedger2000"/>.
=My Experiences with MCT=
Below are my thoughts on MCT while on the [[Ketogenic Diet]], with an update further down the page on using MCT as part of a normal diet.
* I've found that taking MCT on its own will often produce digestive problems, including nausea and apocalyptic diarrhea. Mixing MCT with other foods can reduce the problems, and I take MCT with cream or other foods.
* I found that MCT in larger doses (3+ tablespoons) can produce obvious thermogenesis, resulting in the perception that a cold room is actually overly warm. There is also a sensation of warmth radiating from my stomach, rather like I'd just consumed strong alcohol.
** At mile 19 I stopped for a drink and my blood pressure dropped dramatically. Even crouched down with my head between my knees I was dizzy. After a few minutes things returned to some semblance of normality and I was eventually able to stand up and continued to run.
** A few days later I repeated the test, but took 3 tbsp. of Macadamia Nut Oil with 2 tbsp. of Nutella at mile 8. My breathing remained normal and I had no other problems.
The comments above are from using MCT during my [[Ketogenic Experiment]] in 2013. In late 2015 I started to experiment again with MCT while losing weight on a relatively normal diet. During this time I was eating a high-fiber diet that was predominantly plant based. Over a period of a couple of months I gradually introduced MCT into my diet. Initially I had some minor nausea and digestive disturbances, but they settled down and by the end of the period I was able to consume several tablespoons of MCT without any issues. I would either mix the MCT with a high protein/high-fiber smoothie, or blend the MCT into a little milk and add a couple of shots of espresso. Adding 2 tablespoons of MCT to my coffee before running was possible without G.I. problems. I did notice that while running on a cold morning after taking the MCT I could feel the thermogenic effect. There was a sense of warmth spreading out from my midriff, rather like having drunk a short of strong alcohol. Unlike the mental effects I had when I was on the ketogenic diet, I had no issues this time around.
=See Also=