
Race Checklist

2,732 bytes added, 13:06, 29 March 2011
Created page with 'It is useful to have a checklist for racing, as the stress of the event makes it hard to remember everything. The race checklist is also a good spot to record lessons learned fro…'
It is useful to have a checklist for racing, as the stress of the event makes it hard to remember everything. The race checklist is also a good spot to record lessons learned from prior races. Below is my race checklist to give you some ideas.
* Take to race
** Plastic bag for keys
** Wet weather
*** Waterproof trousers
*** Waterproof gloves
*** Outdoor Research Rain Sombrero
*** Vaseline/Hydropel
** iPod, charger, case
*** Audio books?
** Hydration pack, bladder
*** First load of drink
** Bandages/First Aid
** Cell phone, charger,
*** Bluetooth headset, charger
** Duct tape
** Moist wipes, paper
** Headlamp
*** Spare headlamp?
*** Replace with fresh batteries
*** spare batteries
** Heart Rate Monitor
*** Emptied
*** Set to 60 second sample for long races
*** HRM strap
*** foot pod (new battery + spares)
*** GPS with course
** Shoes
** Dirty Girl Gaiters
** Blister kit, plasters, adhesive promoter
** Body glide
** Drinks for race
* Clothes
** Race ready Shorts
** Race ready Tights (or 2XU tights with pockets)
** Underwear
** Thin fleece/thermal top
** Heat gear tops
** Cold gear tops
** Golite Wind Jacket
** Ultralight Waterproof Jacket
** Gloves
** Track mitts for warm trails
** Warm hat
** Sun hat (with visor is vital for trails!)
** Arm warmers
** Socks (w/Teflon?)
** Bandana
** Cool off bandana or Jimbo Bandana
** Trash Bag for start or emergencies
* Take on race
** Take bottle(s) & drink on the hoof (or hydration pack)
** Hat with visor for sunny/rocky runs
** Moist wipes - you just never know
** 5 Hour energy or caffeine
** M&Ms
** Gels
** Liquid Ibuprofen
** Wear gaiters unless reason not to
** If there is possibility of cool rain, carry waterproof
** Blister kit
*** Scissors
*** Bandage
*** Hypodermic
** Pills to carry
*** Hypodermic
*** Caffeine (+caffeine straw)
*** Anti acid
*** Gas-X
*** Ibuprofen
*** Salt
*** Vitamin C
* Staying overnight
** Overnight
*** Bedding
*** PJ
*** Sleep Mat
*** Pillow
** Drinks for post race (breakfasts as well)
** Toiletries
*** Toothbrush
*** Contact Lenses
* Food for journey/pre race
** Pop Tarts
** PB&J
** Crackers
** M&Ms
* Miscellaneous
** Car GPS locations
** Camera battery charger, charge battery
** Laptop, laptop lock
* Pre-race preparation
** Cut out caffeine
** Stay off feet for week before race
** Break in shoes
** Be realistic - Evaluate training
** File calluses
** Massage
* Pre-start preparation
** Tape blister spots
** Hydropel
*** Maybe Teflon for socks (outside and in)
* Pacing a race
** Whistle for pacing
** Pace band
* Post Race
** Post run clothes
*** Loose, warm, comfortable
*** Slippers or other soft shoes
** Recovery drink
*** Aim for 100-300 grams of protein
*** Cucumber for nausea