From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:BSX Lactate Threshold Monitor}}
BSX is a simple, easy to use device that estimates your [[Lactate Threshold]], but it's results may not be correct. You just wear the BSX monitor in a custom calf compression sleeve that it comes with, along with the BSX app on your phone, while running on a treadmill. The BSX app tells you what pace to run at, which increases every 3 minutes until you can't continue, at which point it tells you your [[Lactate Threshold]] pace. Sadly, while the BSX simple and easy to use, the results are rather dubious and it's unclear to me if it does a better job than simply using an estimate of your 10K race pace.
=How to use the BSX Lactate Threshold Monitor=
The BSX is remarkably simple to use, especially when compared with other ways of estimating [[Lactate Threshold]]. You'll need the BSX, its calf compression sleeve, an iOS or Android device, and a treadmill.