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2010 Freedom Park 24 Hour

30 bytes added, 12:54, 2 January 2011
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* Racing with an injury is a dangerous thing to do. The nature of the loop course and a strong, well voiced commitment to bail out at the first sign of problems mitigates the risk somewhat.
* Having no real idea how far I could go, and expecting to have to stop at any moment was a major distraction. It was hard to relax and focus on covering ground.
* Because I did not expect to go far on in the race, i did not prepare in the way I would normally. I’d never intentionally be unprepared for a race, so this has been useful in showing as an accidental experiment. It has shown me the value of some of the preparation. ** I did not spend time visualizing the race, the possible problems, the goals and the strategy. As part of this process, I store ‘creative energy’'creative energy', spending time relaxing and meditating.
** Because I was focused on TLC on my foot, I did not spend time preparing my other muscles. Normally I'd spend time in the few days before a race using the [[Foam Roller]], [[Injury prevention using 'The Stick'|the stick]] and the [[Thumper]] to make sure there are no issues.
** I did not prepare my gear as well as I should have. For instance, I know that my Garmin GPS only has 20 hour battery life, so I used my Polar, but I did not change the recording interval. Therefore the Polar only has a record of the first 16 hours.

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