From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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=Financial Disclosure=
The purpose of this wiki site is to make you a better runner. I have avoided putting any advertisements on this site, as I believe they will detract from its primary purpose. I have however, used some "affiliate links" when referencing particular products. These links result in a small portion of any resulting sale coming to me, but they do not increase the cost to you as a customer. Product reviews are not the focus of this site, and the products I review I generally pay for myself. The only exceptions are a few gels, and any freebies I get for taking part in races. I do not receive any "review samples", and vendor, manufacturer, or supplier has any input on any of the reviews. Please e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns.
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This site does not share personal information with third parties nor do I store any information about your visit other than to analyze and optimize content and reading experience through the use of cookies. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings. I are not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without permission. This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on September 9th, 2014. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly.