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Downhill Intervals

36 bytes added, 11:45, 9 April 2013
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[[Downhill Running]] is one of the most important parts of training, and sadly, one of the most ignored. To understand the importance of downhill running[[Downhill Running]], read [[Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness]]. [[Downhill running Running]] is so beneficial because of the particular stresses it puts on the body. This also means that downhill running [[Downhill Running]] should be introduced in stages to reduce the risk of injury.
==Stage 1 – Run Hill Courses==
==Stage 3 – Run Constant Effort Hills==
Running with the same effort up and down the hill will mean that you will be going much faster downhill than uphill. Compared with stage 2, your uphill running will be a little slower, and your downhill running [[Downhill Running]] quite a bit faster. Again, start with repeats totaling about 2 miles, and build up over time. You can use some stage 2 repeats to warm up.
==Stage 4 – QU4DBUSTER==
==Using a heart rate monitor==
A heart rate monitor [[Heart Rate Monitor]] (HRM), can be a useful tool for many aspects of running. A HRM is especially useful in the higher stages of downhill running[[Downhill Running]]. In stage 3, you can use the HRM to check that your effort on the uphill and downhill sections is similar (don’t expect it to be identical). For stage 4 (and stage 5 if you choose to go that far), you can compare your heart rate with that of your flat intervals to check your pace/effort.
==Downhill technique==
[[Cadence]] is always important in running, and especially in downhill running[[Downhill Running]]. Your cadence [[Cadence]] should be faster downhill than on the flat, to help reduce the impact on your body. You must remain in control when running downhill; if you feel out of control or that you are flailing, you should slow up. You should try to combine the high cadence [[Cadence]] with being relaxed – you must not tighten up. I find it important to keep my hips and back relaxed, otherwise a slight misstep will jar my back badly.
==See Also==
* [[Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness]]
* [[Downhill Running]]

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