From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
→Incremental Run/Walk
Before you do any running, you should start by walking. If you are unfit, walking can be sufficient training to raise your fitness level. First, check you can to walk 2 miles in about 30 minutes. This is based on the idea that walking is more efficient than running up to about 13-14 min/mile pace<ref name="Kram-1997"/>. So running slower than 14 min/mile pace is unproductive; you are better off walking. If you can't walk 2 miles in 30 minutes, focus on walking and building up to that pace. You should build up to walking at that pace over a few minutes as a [[Warmup]].
==Incremental Run/Walk==
So, once you've reached the point of walking 2 miles in 30 minutes (or verified you can do it), introduce the running gradually. Start off with two one minute runs in the 30 minutes; walk 14, run 1, walk 14, run 1, walk 14. Try to keep the walking pace at around 15 min/mile pace, which is a fast walk. As that ratio of running to walking becomes comfortable, gradually shift from walking to running. Dropping the last minute walk can be hard, and is not critical. You may prefer to extend the time rather than dropping the walk, adding another 15 minute block. If you do extend the time, you should drop back the run/walk ratio, so 3x14Rgo from 2x1W:14R to 3x5W:1W for instance for 45 minutes exercise10R, or whatever seems comfortable. Don't forget to do a short [[Warmup]] before the 30 minutes, starting off with a moderate walk and building up to the right pace over a few minutes.
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=Alternative Plan=
This plan uses a slightly different mix of running and walking, using 27 minutes total time