From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
no edit summary
==How to install the plugin==
* Install SportsTracks normally.
* Download the plugin and save it on your hard drive. The file should save automatically as a '.st3plugin' file, but some browsers get confused and try to save it as a '.zip'. If that happens, rename the file to '.st3plugin'. The plugin is available at http://fellrnr.com/Utilities/FellrnrDailyMilePlugin/FellrnrDailyMilePlugin_3.12.0.st3plugin
* Double click the .st3plugin file to install.
* Check the plugin is installed correctly
For support, email plugin <at> fellrnr <dot> com.
==Change History==
* 3.2.0
** The category mapping now learns from input, so if you select a different category, the plugin will default to that next time
** Support non-ASCII characters for Dailymile and RunKeeper
** Fix the 'use current time' to default to not set if workout is not for today
** RunKeeper changes
*** The raw heart rate data is exported
*** Use the correct case for RunKeeper everywere
*** Change post Dialog box title to RunKeeper
*** Split posted message into shorter lines to prevent '500 server error'.
*** Reduce the number of comments posted
* 3.1.0
** Better support for Runkeeper