From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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!Light!!Why it's recommended!!Cost
|[http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=LightRXP&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E87-P2-Myo-Headlamp%2Fdp%2FB004OYTOA0 Petzl MYO RXP]||The best head light available for a reasonable cost||$90
|[http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightxpadapt&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E89-TacTikka-Headlamp-Colored%2Fdp%2FB000JUB2QC Petzl Tactikka XP Adapt] ||The best head light that can be waist mounted (great for dark trails)||$70
|[http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightxp&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E89-PC-Tactikka-Camouflage%2Fdp%2FB000J927AS Petzl Tactikka XP]||This is the same as the [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightxpadapt&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E89-TacTikka-Headlamp-Colored%2Fdp%2FB000JUB2QC Petzl Tactikka XP Adapt], but without the option for waist mounting.||$60
|[http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightEliteNao&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E02Nao-P2Reactive-Lighting-Headlamp-Integrated%2Fdp%2FB001SARHV6 2FB007K03OU6 Petzl e+LiteNao]||This is a great backup/emergency light|Automatic lighting level adjustment |$30175
|[http://www.runningwarehouse.com/descpage-SUSBLED.html Saucony USB Clip Light] or [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=SauconyUtliMittlightElite&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FSaucony2FPetzl-90299E02-UltiP2-MittHeadlamp-Black-X-LargeIntegrated%2Fdp%2FB0059CVCME Saucony Ulti-Mitt with Light2FB001SARHV6 Petzl e+Lite]||Useful as This is a cheap great backup/emergency light.||$10 or $45 with the Ulti-Mitt gloves30
|[http://www.runningwarehouse.com/descpage-SUSBLED.html Saucony USB Clip Light] or [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightultraSauconyUtliMitt&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl2FSaucony-E5290299-ACUlti-UltraMitt-HeadlampBlack-X-Large%2Fdp%2FB001N0ETU8 Petzl Ultra2FB0059CVCME Saucony Ulti-Mitt with Light]||Great Useful as a cheap emergency light, but ultra expensive!|.|$35010 or $45 with the Ulti-Mitt gloves
|[http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightultrabelt&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E53-Ultra-Belt-Headlamp%2Fdp%2FB002SQPXYW Petzl Ultra Belt]||The [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightultra&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E52-AC-Ultra-Headlamp%2Fdp%2FB001N0ETU8 Petzl Ultra] with the battery mounted on your waist. Useful for extreme cold. |Great light, but ultra expensive!|$500350
|[http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightultrabelt&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E53-Ultra-Belt-Headlamp%2Fdp%2FB002SQPXYW Petzl Ultra Belt]
|The [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightultra&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E52-AC-Ultra-Headlamp%2Fdp%2FB001N0ETU8 Petzl Ultra] with the battery mounted on your waist. Useful for extreme cold.
There are many other LED head lights available, and most of them do a reasonable job. However, I would not use one of these cheaper lights having used the [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=LightRXP&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E87-P2-Myo-Headlamp%2Fdp%2FB004OYTOA0 Petzl MYO RXP] and [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightxpadapt&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E89-TacTikka-Headlamp-Colored%2Fdp%2FB000JUB2QC Petzl Tactikka XP Adapt].
There are four factors to consider with a running light; location, the beam pattern, regulation and brightness.
The three locations for a light while running are handheld, waist mounted and head mounted. I do not recommend handheld lights at allfor several reasons. The biggest problem is that they mess keeping the light pointed in the right direction changes your arm movement and messes up your running form. In addition, but they handheld lights occupy one of your hands making it tricky to do anything in the dark, though [http://www.knucklelights.com/ knuckle lights] overcome this. There are advantages and disadvantages to waist mounted and head mounted. Because a head mounted light is aligned with your eyes, it's hard to see the shape of the ground. This is best seen in the images below.
<gallery widths=500px heights=400px>
File:RXP Eye Level.jpg|The light at eye level: Notice how 'flat' the path looks.
File:Petzl XP Adapt Diagram.jpg|A diagram showing the XP Adapt with the waist mounted adapter.
==Petzl Nao==
The [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=Nao&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-Nao-Reactive-Lighting-Headlamp%2Fdp%2FB007K03OU6 Petzl Nao] is a sophisticated light that automatically adjusts the brightness. There are two bulbs, one with a diffuse wide beam and the other with a narrow focused beam, along with a light sensor. When the light is pointing slightly down, the wide beam is used, and when you look up, the focused beam comes on as well. When you look at something close up, the wide beam comes on at a dimmer level. This works quite nicely when running, as it uses the wide beam when you're looking near your feet, and a longer throw when you look up to see further ahead. If you look at your watch (or anything else close up) it uses a dimmer light. You can also program the light using a computer (PC or Mac) to set the intensity of the three beams (wide beam, narrow beam and wide beam close up). However, the close up mode is also activated if a light is shining at you, making it a poor choice for running near oncoming cars. You can change to a constant mode, but that defeats the purpose of the light somewhat. The Nao comes with a rechargeable battery, but can also take 2 AAA batteries and you can buy [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=NaoB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FAccu-Rechargeable-Battery-YYYY-Petzl%2Fdp%2FB007K03LCC spare batteries] for about $60. The battery life varies on usage, so if you're doing a longer run, you'd want to carry spare batteries. The rechargeable batteries probably make this unsuitable for many overnight ultras. The headband is different to other Petzl headlights, and it works okay. It's easier to adjust, but I didn't find it as comfortable as the RXP. There is a$30 [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=NaoE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-Extension-Cable-For-Size%2Fdp%2FB007K03PLY optional kit] to put the battery on your belt, which is great for extreme cold conditions. Overall the Nao is a nice light, and worth considering if your style of running would benefit from the adaptive lighting.
[[File:PetzlNao.png|none|thumb|600px|The details of the [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=Nao&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-Nao-Reactive-Lighting-Headlamp%2Fdp%2FB007K03OU6 Petzl Nao].]]
==Petzl e+Lite==
The [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=lightElite&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetzl-E02-P2-Headlamp-Integrated%2Fdp%2FB001SARHV6 Petzl e+Lite] worth considering as a backup light, but don't use this as your primary light unless weight is of paramount importance. It's not bright enough and the lithium batteries are pricy. However, it will fit in the pocket of my shorts, so it makes a great 'oops' light.