From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
→Honey Stinger
I like the 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio of [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=accel&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPacific-Health-Accel-Vanilla-pack%2Fdp%2FB003CN5NL8 Accel Gel], and I often use it in ultramarathon races. There is more sugar than I would like at 13g and the thin consistency makes it harder to eat slowly and mix with saliva.
=Honey Stinger=
Honey contains only simple sugars rather than the [[Maltodextrin]] that other Gels use. This makes [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=hs&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FHoney-Stinger-Gold-Energy-1-3-Ounce%2Fdp%2FB0010TGK18 Honey Stinger] much harder to digest than other Gels, and much sweatersweeter. This is the one of the few Gels I've tried that has given me digestive problems when taken slowly. I also found the sweetness overpowering and unpleasant, though the honey aftertaste was quite nice. I would not recommend Honey Stinger Gels.
=#9 Chocolate=
The only ingredients in this [http://go.fellrnr.com/?id=35454X937677&xs=1&xcust=ch9&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rei.com%2Fproduct%2F815338%2Fchocolate-9-energy-gel #9] are Agave and Cocoa, and Agave is predominantly fructose (55% fructose to 20% glucose). This amount of [[Fructose]] is slow to be absorbed and can be difficult to digest, making it a poor choice for most runners. The only runners that this gel would be suitable for would be those that suffer from a blood sugar drop after taking more conventional gels (intra-exercise rebound hypoglycemia). My research suggests this is a rare condition. The Agave makes this gel intensely sweet, which I did not like.