From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
no edit summary
==How to install the plugin==
* Install SportsTracks normally.
* Download the plugin and save it on your hard drive. The file should save automatically as a '.st3plugin' file, but some browsers get confused and try to save it as a '.zip'. If that happens, rename the file to '.st3plugin'. The plugin is available at http://fellrnr.com/Utilities/FellrnrDailyMilePlugin/FellrnrDailyMilePlugin_2.1.12.st3plugin
* Double click the .st3plugin file to install.
* Check the plugin is installed correctly
For support, email plugin <at> fellrnr <dot> com.
==Change History==
* 2.1.2
** Fix a bug in the HRR calculation
** Fix a bug that caused a fresh install to have bad default values for the plugin settings (caused Monotony to be capped at zero)
** Change title to 'Fellrnr Analytics' to match menu item
** Fix a bug so that entered HR was used to calculate TRIMP rather than estimate TRIMP
** Add option on report to show all or selected activities (defaults to all)
* 2.1.1
** Fix a bug that was causing a crash if the plugin was installed from scratch rather than upgraded.
* 2.1.0
** A major upgrade, adding more analytics