From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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This site is dedicated to making you a better runner, whether you’re a beginner or a competitive athlete. Many of the articles are general in nature, but specific attention is given to the marathon and ultramarathon distances. I don't claim to have any specific training beyond my own experience as a competitive ultrarunner and I advise you to [[Trust No One]]. I’m a believer in the scientific method, and so this site is a mixture of my personal perspective and my analysis of the available scientific evidence. I also believe that [[Documentation Is Evil]] and therefore try to keep things short and to the point. You can [[contact me]] to ask questions, suggest articles, or to disagree with what I've written. If you want to follow my training, I post all my runs, at [[Dailymile]] so check out [http://www.dailymile.com/people/JonathanS http://www.dailymile.com/people/JonathanS], or see me on [https://plus.google.com/u/0/109553491778245528622 Google+]. If you want to follow updates to this Wiki, I post to http://fellrnr.blogspot.com/ as the Wiki RSS is not effective.
== Critical Tips ==