From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
→Injury prevention and healing
== Injury prevention and healing ==
* General recommendations** [[Coping with Injury]]* [[Cryotherapy - Ice for Healing]] and [[Icing with a Camelbak]]* [[NSAIDs and Running|NSAIDs (Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen) for runners, impairs healing and interferes with hydration]]** [[Running and Illness]] Should you run with a cold or other illness? How does running affect your immune system?** [[Racing while injured]]** [[Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness]]** [[Anticancer]] Advice on avoiding and mitigating cancer* Preventing and Fixing injuries** [[Cryotherapy|Cryotherapy - Ice for Healing]] Amazing heeling, but never use a gel pack** [[Trigger Points]] Why you don't fix the place it hurts*** [[Massage]]*** [[Injury prevention using 'The Stick']]*** [[Foam Roller]]*** [[Thumper]]** [[Teeter Inversion TableOvertraining]]* [[Overtraining]]** [[Overtraining Syndrome]] and [[Training Monotony]]** [[Running and IllnessStretching]] Should you run with While it is a cold or other illness? How does running affect your immune system?common belief that runners should stretch, the evidence refutes this.
* Blisters
** [[Blister Prevention]] If I can avoid blisters, you should be able to
** [[Injinji Liner Socks]]
** [[Extreme Shoe Modifications]]
* [[Racing while injured]]Specific Injuries** [[Shin Splints]]** [[Iliotibial band syndrome]] AKA ITBS; pain in the outside of the knee** [[Cramps]]** [[Plantar Fasciitis]] My experiences with PF* [[Stretching]] While it is a common belief that runners should stretch, the evidence refutes this.* [[Sore Feet]]* [[Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness]]* [[Mortons Neuroma]]* [[Anticancer]] Advice on avoiding and mitigating cancer
== Gear Reviews ==