From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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* '''Use the Dopamine''' - Your short term goals must provide the sense of satisfaction you need. If you are wasting your time on trivia (reading emails, surfing the web) rather than your long term objective, you're not structuring your short term rewards to give you the dopamine hit you need. (Dopamine is the brain's reward chemical.)
* '''Be Honest''' - Consider carefully what your world will look like if you fail in your goals. If the world in which you have failed is grim (too fat to move, dead of a heart attack, stuck in a dead end job), then use that visualization as motivation. If the world in which you have failed is okay, then rethink your goals.
* '''Make a choice''' - Henry Ford said "_"Whether You Think You Can or Can't, You're Right"_
* '''Run to the next tree''' - Motivation is often about controlling your thinking. If you think about the long term effort, it can crush you. Focus on short term, attainable goals.
* '''Be Public''' - Announcing your goal publicly can boost your confidence, and get support from those around you.
* '''Be Honest''' - Fear of failure can be a powerful motivator, but it tends ultimately to be self destructive.
* '''Take Control''' - Understand your [[Internal Control Index]] and focus on taking control of your life.
* '''Positive is best''' - While the fear of failure can be powerful, this is a negative motivation. Negative motivations tend to be brittle and destructive over time, where positive motivations are more resilient and productive.