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A brief guide to ultramarathon distances

3,501 bytes added, 11:52, 27 December 2011
24 Hours
== 24 Hours ==
A timed race, like 24 hours, is obviously different to a distance race. With a distance race, the slower you go, the longer it takes. This tends to punish slower runners even more, as they are on their feet for longer. With a timed race, the slower you go, the easier it is. If you reduce your pace, the lower the intensity AND the shorter the distance. Of course, the opposite is true - when you push things hard, the race becomes disproportionately harder. Timed races are normally run on a small loop course, which make them sociable events. You get to see, and often run with, the fastest and slowest runners. This type of loop course also makes logistics simple; your gear is never far away. The opportunity to take a break is always available, which is a two edged sword. A few runners will keep going continually, but most will take some rests. This might be 5-10 minutes here and there, or it might be an 8 hour sleep. I have even known people go off to a wedding and come back! Overall, a 24 hour race is a wonderful opportunity, regardless of if you are a complete beginner, or an elite ultrarunner. A 24 hour race can also be used in different ways, especially for a cheap race like [ Hinson Lake 24 Hour] (HL24) which is only $24.  === Marathon preparation race ===For some, a cheap 24 hour race, such as HL24, is the perfect marathon tune up race. You can set whatever distance you like, but 18-24 miles would be typical. HL24 provides the real race feel, which is hard to replicate in training, combined with outstanding aid. The course has a near perfect trail for the distance, being soft, wide dirt with a few boardwalks, and almost flat. While this might be one of the few places you hear "I'm only doing 20 today", no one think any less of someone doing that distance. The loop course makes it easy to bail early if things go badly, which is sometimes a possibility with a marathon preparation race. To add sugar, the low entry fee also makes HL24 a very cost effective marathon preparation race.
Timed races are normally run on === Fixed distance ===For another group of runners, a small loop course, which make them sociable events. You get 24 hour race represents the chance to seecover a specific distance without any time limits cutting in, and often run with, the fastest and slowest runnersunder easier conditions than most races. This type of loop course also makes logistics simple; your gear is never far awayCommon distances I heard people doing were standard marathon (26. The opportunity to take a break is always available2 miles), which is a two edged sword50 miles and 100K (62 miles). A few runners will keep going continuallySome were aiming for 100 miles, but most will take some restsat that distance, the time limit does become a factor. This might be 5-10 minutes here and thereI saw one couple at the [[2009 Hinson Lake 24 Hour]] push on through the night to make 100K, or visibly battling exhaustion together; I thought it might be an 8 hour sleepwas very romantic. I have even known people go off to a wedding and come back!'ve also seen the US 50K age record being broken at the [[2010 Freedom Park 24 Hour]].
Overall=== How far can you go? ===If you want to know "how far can I go?" a 24 hour race is an ideal place to find out. Eventually the reasons to stop become greater than the reasons to keep going, and movement ceases. Different people will stop for different reasons, but they can all push the boundaries of their mental and physical capabilities. ("Mental fortitude is more important than physical endurance", but that's another blog entry!) Some people will go until they can't go any more and stop. Others will take breaks to increase their distance, some for a few minutes, some lying down to sleep for a few hours. This makes a 24 hour race a great place for a first time ultra runner. There is no fixed distance that has to be conquered, no possibility of 'failure'. My friend Vince did his first ultra at HL24 this year and covered an outstanding 100K. In his own words "This was a wonderful opportunityfun race, regardless kind of if you are a complete beginnerthe gateway drug to Ultras. There were people of all ages (7 to 72) and abilities, or an elite ultrarunnereach with different goals. Everyone was encouraging and friendly and there was no pressure."
=== Fun with friends ===
The loop nature of a 24 hour race means that you get so see nearly everyone at some point. The front runners and the slowest all share the trail as they go around the loop. This makes a 24 hour race a supremely sociable race. In other ultras you can be on your own for hours at a time, but not a 24 hour race. Seeing other runners, checking on their progress, giving and receiving encouragement is a great part of the race. For some, the social side is an important aspect. Friends you make in the middle of the night while you are both suffering through an endurance event are not like other friends; the bond is different, and I won't even attempt to explain further ;}
=== Racing 24 hours ===
For a few, there is the prospect of pushing the boundaries of the 24 hour limit and cranking out lots of miles.
== Multiday ==
I have not participated in multi day events, so I cannot provide any useful advice. One day I hope to update this section with some personal experience ;}

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