From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
This is a chamber that works out your body volume accurately. Given the volume and weight you have the density, from which you can estimate body composition. This is the same principle used in underwater weighing, but far less unpleasant. The test costs about $25 at a gym, which makes it expensive to use regularly. I believe there There are two types of BOD POD, a recreational and a research model. ; The recreational model is used by many gyms and estimates lung function, whereas the research model actually measures lung volume. I found the BOD POD quick and easy, but requires a the combination of the cost and the trip to a gym. The cost means that I do not have makes it tricky to use on a sense of how the reading changes over time, and its correlation with other techniquesfrequent basis. See http://www.bodpod.com/ for more details.
==Underwater Weighing==