From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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This chart shows the perceived temperature while running based on a specific height, weight and pace. This calculator is based on my [[Running Heat Model]].
Normal heat indexes assume a person walking outdoors at 3 mph and generating 180 watts per square meter of skin. The original work states "higher levels of activity would increase the sensitivity to humidity… few people, however, sustain activity above the level considered here for long enough to reach a steady state". This is not very helpful to runners that are moving far quicker than 3 mph and generating a lot more heat.
This page is focused on runners, but may apply to some other sports such as soccer. It would not apply to cycling or similar sports where there is more air movement.
=See Also=
* [[Running Heat Model]]
* [[Heat limited running pace]]
* [[Optimum Running Temperature]]
* [[Running in the Heat]]
* [[Heat Acclimation Training]]
* [[Impact of Heat on Marathon Performance]]