From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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# [[Caffeine]] can improve performance at all distances, but for shorter distances, it's probably best to take it before the run. Consider a Red Bull or other caffeinated beverage, or even caffeine tablets. I'd avoid coffee as there is evidence that you don't get the same benefit from caffeine when it's in coffee.
# A little protein can help offset muscle damage, and so swapping your carbohydrate based gel for an Accel Gel might be good on ultras. However, you should be looking at other fuel sources in an ultra for most of your calories.
# You can sweat out a lot of sodium when sweating heavily, with estimates as high as 5,000mg/hour in some cases. In those situations, even the 200mg of PowerBar gel is not much, but it may help. The sodium in a PowerBar gel could help augment the limited sodium you would get in most sports drinks. (See [[The Science Of Hydration]] for details.)
# There is some evidence that pickle juice can help with [[Cramps]], and that it is the taste rather than the absorption of the pickle juice that helps. Therefore it is possible that the sour, tart flavor of eGels might help deal with cramps.