From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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=Muscle Quality=
While the idea of measuring muscle quality seems like pseudo-science, there's quite a bit of research supporting the approach. This technique, known as "Electrical Impedance Myography", was developed for the evaluation of degenerative diseases. I won't attempt to summarize the research, but if you're interested I would recommend doing searching on Google scholar for "Electrical Impedance Myography", and this 2009 review is a reasonable starting point: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/mus.21362]. The usefulness of muscle quality information is a little harder to evaluate. Not surprisingly, I found my legs had great muscle quality where my arms were rather poor, something that persuaded me to do a little bit of upper body strengthening. So far, I didnhaven't find found any obvious correlation between muscle soreness [[Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness]] (DOMS) and the indicated muscle quality, though . I've done enough [[Treadmill Descent]] training to reach 2/5 on my focus has been DOMS Scale and 3/6 on body fatthe Likert Scale Muscle Soreness, and there was no change in the Skulpt Muscle Quality. However, I may revisit 'm probably close to the muscle quality over top of the course range for Muscle Quality in my quads, with absolute values of my next [[Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness]] inducing workout145-160 and percentages just under 100%.=Performing a Scan= [[Category:Beginners]]