From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
comment: batch update
Golden Cheetah doesn't provide any kind of simulated world, but it does provide a wealth of data that they can display in real time. You'll need an Ant+ USB adapter, but GC supports a wide variety of sensors.
[[File:GC realtime.png|center|thumb|300px| The real time display, with the workout being filled in with actual data from the ride. ]]
Golden Cheetah stores the workouts in ERG files, which encodes the interval duration as fractional minutes to two decimal places. This means that durations of 20 seconds get converted to "0.33" which will get turned back to 19 seconds, which is rather frustrating. To avoid this, you'll need to use durations that are divisible by three seconds, so instead of 20 seconds, you'll need to set 18 or 21 seconds.
==Wahoo App==
I really expected the Wahoo app to provide all the basic functionality you'd need. Sadly, this is not the case. You can do some manual control of resistance, but there's no way of using it to run a predefined HIIT session. You do need to use the Wahoo app to calibrate the trainer (see above), plus there are a couple of options you can set only thought the app. You can configure the trainer to simulate a speed that is proportional to the power you're applying in ERG mode. By default, it will just report the actual speed of the wheel, and in ERG mode you can be moving very slowly with huge resistance. This setting is overridden by Zwift, which uses its own speed calculation based on power and the virtual slope you're virtually riding on.
=Other Equipment=
You'll need a fan. In fact, you'll probably need several really big fans. Ideally, you want some way of turning the fans on while you're riding a bike. It can be chilly when you first start, but by the time you've warmed up you'll want some air movement. In fact, overheating can be a real problem doing HIIT on a stationary bike. To prevent overheating, your subconscious will reduce muscle recruitment well ahead of serious problems arising, so you may feel weak before you feel hot. Having some water handy is also a good idea. You're unlikely to dehydrate much during a short HIIT session, but I find the heavy breathing tends to try my throat out. Chewing on a mint can help a little by getting the saliva flowing, as saliva is far more lubricating than water.
=Kickr Snap Response Times=
Off peak time – 17, 13, 18, 15, 15,
Bottom trough time – 5, 2, 8, 5, 4
Full power time– 13, 16, 15, 12, 15, 11
=What Watts?=
Cyclists have been using the power meters of the years, and have a number of terms that are likely to be unfamiliar to runners.