From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
,→CO2 Scrubber
* The CO<SUB>2</SUB> scrubber lasted for two sessions of an hour, 6 minutes on, 3 minutes off. AltoLab claim 2-3 sessions.
* The scrubber does not die quickly or obviously; I find my blood O<SUB>2</SUB> saturation not dropping as far each time, but the biggest indicator is that I'm struggling to breathe. This is because the CO<SUB>2</SUB> is building up in the blood and causing deeper breathing. Swapping to a new scrubber returned to the original behavior.
* The absorbent material (soda lime) has a color change that indicates when it is exhausted. After the scrubber had become ineffectiveHowever, the color change had not occurredis only present immediately after use. This suggests that there is more life left in If you leave the absorbent materialscrubber for a few hours, but there is not enough material for it will return to work effectively. Using two scrubbers together may get more life out of the materialits original color, even though it is still expired.
* I created a video of opening the silo for scrubber replacement at http://youtu.be/6uK1Ua8ENGU