From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
comment: batch update
If you'd like to check how accurate your [[Treadmill]] is, here's the testing procedure. It's not as The simple as some other approaches, but it provides approach of timing a far more accurate resultnumber of revolutions of the treadmill belt doesn't work because the belt slows down when you're in contact and speeds up when you're in flight. This test evaluates the treadmill while you're running on it, so it includes any possible slowdown avoiding that occurs well your foot is in contact with the beltproblem. I developed this procedure while testing the [[Stryd]] Footpod. I'd found that their Footpod is stunningly accurate outside, but seemed to be way off on the treadmill. The folks at Stryd investigated reports from various runners about problems on the treadmill, and they found that many treadmills vary in speed, slowing down when the runner is in contact with the belt. This is in addition to any other calibration problems a treadmill might have.
Besides the treadmill, you'll need a camera capable of recording high speed video, sometimes referred to as "Slo-Mo video". An iPhone 6 or 7 works well, though there are other options. You'll need to place markers at regular intervals along the belt. I used round sticky labels from Amazon that are intended to be [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DE571AO color coding dots]. You need to measure the distance between the labels, and I used a standard steel rule. I put my phone on a tripod, though you could ask a friend to take the video for you instead.