From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
comment: batch update
| style="background-color: #FCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #97CD7E;" |$90
| style="background-color: #FCC57CFCC47C;" |5.7| style="background-color: #FB9273FB9574;" |10.6| style="background-color: #FECD7FFECC7E;" |16.5
| style="background-color: #DEE283;" |27
| style="background-color: #DEE283;" |27
| style="background-color: #7CC57C;" |0
| style="background-color: #E4E483E7E583;" |6.1| style="background-color: #FEE182FEE482;" |6
| [[Saucony Type A6| Saucony Type A6 Review]]
| style="background-color: #B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #B9D780;" |$100
| style="background-color: #E9E583EAE583;" |8.2| style="background-color: #C7DB80C2D980;" |6.1| style="background-color: #B7D67FB8D67F;" |9.5
| style="background-color: #FCC37C;" |17
| style="background-color: #FEE282;" |21
| style="background-color: #F1E783;" |4
| style="background-color: #FEDC81FEDA80;" |5.0| style="background-color: #D2DE82CBDC81;" |8
| [[Adidas Adios Boost| Adidas Adios Boost 2 Review]]
| style="background-color: #FDB87B;" |$140
| style="background-color: #FBA977;" |4.7
| style="background-color: #FED17FFED881;" |8.6| style="background-color: #FFE884FFE784;" |13.4
| style="background-color: #FCC27C;" |17
| style="background-color: #DBE182;" |27
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |11
| style="background-color: #FCBD7BFCBB7A;" |4.0| style="background-color: #F6E984EEE683;" |7
| [[Hoka Bondi| Hoka Bondi Review]]
| style="background-color: #FB9D75;" |$150
| style="background-color: #EDE683;" |8.0
| style="background-color: #FA8972FA8B72;" |10.9
| style="background-color: #FEC87E;" |17.0
| style="background-color: #7FC67D;" |41
| [[Hoka Clayton| Hoka Clayton Review]]
| Clayton
| style="background-color: #B1D47F63BE7B;" data-sort-value="1"|Best of the Best
| style="background-color: #FB9D75;" |$150
| style="background-color: #DCE182;" |8.8
| style="background-color: #FFDA81FFE183;" |8.3| style="background-color: #FCEA83FFEB84;" |12.9
| style="background-color: #E7E583;" |26
| style="background-color: #CADC81;" |30
| style="background-color: #D1DE81;" |3
| style="background-color: #AED480B0D580;" |7.3| style="background-color: #FDCE7EFDD17F;" |5
| [[Hoka Clifton 3| Hoka Clifton 3 Review]]
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" data-sort-value="1"|Best of the Best
| style="background-color: #FED280;" |$130
| style="background-color: #D6DF82D6E082;" |9.1| style="background-color: #FCAA78FCAE79;" |9.8| style="background-color: #FED781FED680;" |15.3
| style="background-color: #B2D580;" |34
| style="background-color: #95CD7E;" |38
| style="background-color: #D4DE81D5DE81;" |3
| style="background-color: #67BF7C;" |8.9
| style="background-color: #FDD47FFDD780;" |6
| [[On Cloudracer| On Cloudracer Review]]
| Cloudracer
| style="background-color: #63BE7BFCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #FED280;" |$130
| style="background-color: #FCC47C;" |5.7
| style="background-color: #FFDD82FFE583;" |8.2| style="background-color: #F9E983FBEA83;" |12.8
| style="background-color: #FDD37F;" |19
| style="background-color: #E0E383;" |27
| style="background-color: #FED881;" |5
| style="background-color: #FDD27FFDD17F;" |4.7| style="background-color: #D2DE82CBDC81;" |8
| [[Hoka Conquest| Hoka Conquest Review]]
| style="background-color: #FBB279;" |5.0
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |11.9
| style="background-color: #FDBB7BFDBA7B;" |18.5
| style="background-color: #D8E082;" |28
| style="background-color: #AFD480;" |34
| style="background-color: #FED480;" |5
| style="background-color: #EAE583EDE683;" |6.0| style="background-color: #FBA877FBAA77;" |3
| [[Saucony Cortana| Saucony Cortana 4 Review]]
| style="background-color: #FB9D75;" |$150
| style="background-color: #FBA175;" |4.4
| style="background-color: #FCA878FCAC78;" |9.9| style="background-color: #FDB97BFDB87B;" |18.7
| style="background-color: #FEE983;" |22
| style="background-color: #D8E082;" |28
| style="background-color: #FFE082;" |5
| style="background-color: #FDC67DFCC57C;" |4.3| style="background-color: #FDC87DFDCA7D;" |5
| [[Mizuno Wave Cruise | Mizuno Wave Cruise Review]]
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |$120
| style="background-color: #FEDC81;" |6.6
| style="background-color: #C0D980BCD780;" |5.9| style="background-color: #F3E783F5E883;" |12.5
| style="background-color: #FCC47C;" |17
| style="background-color: #FEDB80;" |20
| style="background-color: #FDBE7C;" |7
| style="background-color: #FCBA7AFCB97A;" |3.9| style="background-color: #F6E984EEE683;" |7
| [[Newton Distance| Newton Distance IV Review]]
| style="background-color: #FCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #FB9073;" |$155
| style="background-color: #F8E984F9EA84;" |7.5| style="background-color: #FDC17CFEC77D;" |9.1| style="background-color: #FFE183FFE082;" |14.2
| style="background-color: #E5E483;" |26
| style="background-color: #C3DA81;" |31
| style="background-color: #DEE182;" |3
| style="background-color: #C2DA81C5DB81;" |6.8| style="background-color: #FEE182FEE482;" |6
| [[Asics Gel DS Racer| Asics Gel DS Racer 10 Review]]
| style="background-color: #FCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #DCE182;" |$110
| style="background-color: #E8E583E9E583;" |8.2| style="background-color: #E5E382DFE182;" |7.0| style="background-color: #D3DE81D5DF81;" |10.9
| style="background-color: #FEE282;" |21
| style="background-color: #E5E483;" |26
| style="background-color: #FDC27D;" |6
| style="background-color: #F2E884F5E884;" |5.8| style="background-color: #FEE182FEE482;" |6
| [[Mizuno Wave Ekiden| Mizuno Wave Ekiden 8 Review]]
| style="background-color: #EDE683;" |$115
| style="background-color: #FCC37C;" |5.7
| style="background-color: #BAD780B5D57F;" |5.7| style="background-color: #FFDD82FFDC82;" |14.6
| style="background-color: #FBA476;" |13
| style="background-color: #FDCB7D;" |18
| style="background-color: #FECA7E;" |6
| style="background-color: #FBA576FBA476;" |3.2| style="background-color: #ADD480A9D27F;" |8
| [[Saucony Endorphin| Saucony Endorphin Review]]
| Endorphin
| style="background-color: #FCAA78B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #FFDE82;" |$125
| style="background-color: #AAD380;" |11.1
| style="background-color: #84C77C82C77C;" |4.1| style="background-color: #78C47C79C47C;" |6.4
| style="background-color: #FBAC77;" |14
| style="background-color: #FBA476;" |13
| style="background-color: #6DC17B;" |-1
| style="background-color: #FDCE7EFDCC7E;" |4.5| style="background-color: #9BCE7F97CD7E;" |9
| [[Adidas Energy Boost| Adidas Energy Boost Review]]
| Energy
| style="background-color: #B1D47FFCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #FA8370;" |$160
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |7.2
| style="background-color: #FCA577FCA978;" |10.0| style="background-color: #FED580FED480;" |15.6
| style="background-color: #FEDA80;" |20
| style="background-color: #CADC81;" |30
| style="background-color: #FDBC7B;" |7
| style="background-color: #B2D580B3D680;" |7.2| style="background-color: #FDD47FFDD780;" |6
| [[Puma Faas 100 R| Puma Faas 100 R Review]]
| Faas 100
| style="background-color: #FCAA78B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #97CD7E;" |$90
| style="background-color: #E5E483E6E483;" |8.4| style="background-color: #C5DA80C0D980;" |6.1| style="background-color: #B6D57FB7D67F;" |9.4
| style="background-color: #FCB479;" |15
| style="background-color: #FEDA80;" |20
| style="background-color: #AAD27FABD27F;" |1| style="background-color: #FEDE81FEDC81;" |5.1| style="background-color: #9BCE7F97CD7E;" |9
| [[Saucony Fastwitch| Saucony Fastwitch Review]]
| style="background-color: #97CD7E;" |$90
| style="background-color: #CCDD82;" |9.5
| style="background-color: #E9E482E2E282;" |7.1| style="background-color: #D7DF81D8DF81;" |11.1
| style="background-color: #FED980;" |20
| style="background-color: #FEEB84;" |22
| style="background-color: #FFE884;" |4
| style="background-color: #C6DB81C8DB81;" |6.8| style="background-color: #D2DE82CBDC81;" |8
| [[Topo Fli-Lyte| Topo Fli-Lyte Review]]
| style="background-color: #B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #B9D780;" |$100
| style="background-color: #FDCB7DFDCA7D;" |6.0| style="background-color: #FDB87BFDBD7C;" |9.4| style="background-color: #FFDD82FFDC82;" |14.6
| style="background-color: #FCEB84;" |23
| style="background-color: #F4E884;" |24
| style="background-color: #FBEA83;" |4
| style="background-color: #F9EA84FCEA84;" |5.6| style="background-color: #FEDB80FEDE81;" |6
| [[Nike Free| Nike Free 4.0 Review]]
| Free
| style="background-color: #B1D47FFFEB84;" data-sort-value="3"|Recommended
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |$120
| style="background-color: #FCBA7A;" |5.3
| style="background-color: #FFDC82FFE383;" |8.2| style="background-color: #FFE683FFE583;" |13.6
| style="background-color: #F6E984;" |24
| style="background-color: #C7DB81;" |30
| style="background-color: #FEC87E;" |6
| style="background-color: #FDC97DFDC77D;" |4.4| style="background-color: #FEE182FEE482;" |6
| [[Saucony Freedom| Saucony Freedom Review]]
| style="background-color: #FA8370;" |$160
| style="background-color: #FCBC7B;" |5.4
| style="background-color: #FB9073FB9373;" |10.7| style="background-color: #FECC7EFECB7E;" |16.6
| style="background-color: #FA9172;" |11
| style="background-color: #FA9874;" |11
| style="background-color: #DAE081;" |3
| style="background-color: #F2E884F5E884;" |5.8| style="background-color: #FEE482FEE783;" |7
| [[Asics Gel Lyte 33| Asics Gel Lyte 33 3 Review]]
| Gel Lyte
| style="background-color: #FFEB84F8696B;" data-sort-value="5"|Not recommended
| style="background-color: #97CD7E;" |$90
| style="background-color: #EEE683EEE784;" |8.0| style="background-color: #EFE683E8E482;" |7.3| style="background-color: #DDE182DFE182;" |11.4
| style="background-color: #FCC37C;" |17
| style="background-color: #F3E884;" |24
| style="background-color: #FEEA83FFEB84;" |4| style="background-color: #EFE784F2E784;" |5.8| style="background-color: #88C97E86C87D;" |9
| [[Skechers GOmeb Speed| Skechers GOmeb Speed 3 Review]]
| GOmeb 3
| style="background-color: #F8696BFCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |$120
| style="background-color: #FEE282FEE182;" |6.9| style="background-color: #FFE183FFE984;" |8.1| style="background-color: #F5E883F7E883;" |12.6
| style="background-color: #FEDD81;" |20
| style="background-color: #F3E884;" |24
| style="background-color: #F5E883;" |4
| style="background-color: #FCEB84FFEB84;" |5.5| style="background-color: #BFD981BAD780;" |8
| [[Skechers GORun| Skechers GORun 4 Review]]
| GORun
| style="background-color: #FCAA78F8696B;" data-sort-value="5"|Not recommended
| style="background-color: #B9D780;" |$100
| style="background-color: #FDCD7EFDCC7E;" |6.1| style="background-color: #F6E883EFE683;" |7.5| style="background-color: #E3E382E5E382;" |11.7
| style="background-color: #FCB679;" |15
| style="background-color: #F7E984;" |23
| style="background-color: #E6E482;" |3
| style="background-color: #FDCE7EFDCC7E;" |4.5| style="background-color: #E4E483DDE182;" |7
| [[Skechers GOrun Ultra| Skechers GOrun Ultra 2 Review]]
| style="background-color: #F8696BFCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #97CD7E;" |$90
| style="background-color: #F8E984F9EA84;" |7.5| style="background-color: #FCA577FCA978;" |10.0| style="background-color: #FED580FED480;" |15.6
| style="background-color: #D8E082;" |28
| style="background-color: #AFD480;" |34
| style="background-color: #FB9F76;" |8
| style="background-color: #A4D17FA5D27F;" |7.5| style="background-color: #FDC87DFDCA7D;" |5
| [[Skechers GOrun Ultra Road| Skechers GOrun Ultra Road Review]]
| style="background-color: #CBDC81;" |$105
| style="background-color: #FED980;" |6.5
| style="background-color: #FA7C6FFA7D6F;" |11.3| style="background-color: #FDC37DFDC27D;" |17.6
| style="background-color: #CADC81;" |30
| style="background-color: #88C97E;" |40
| style="background-color: #FDC67D;" |6
| style="background-color: #ABD380ACD480;" |7.4| style="background-color: #FEE783FFEB84;" |7
| [[Asics GT 2000| Asics GT 2000 Review]]
| GT 2000
| style="background-color: #FCAA78F8696B;" data-sort-value="5"|Not recommended
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |$120
| style="background-color: #FBAD78;" |4.8
| style="background-color: #FA7F70FA8170;" |11.2
| style="background-color: #FDC47D;" |17.4
| style="background-color: #D4DF82;" |28
| style="background-color: #AAD380;" |35
| style="background-color: #FFDE82;" |5
| style="background-color: #FEE883FEE683;" |5.4| style="background-color: #FBAE78FBB078;" |4
| [[Hoka Hupana| Hoka Hupana Review]]
| Hupana
| style="background-color: #F8696BFFEB84;" data-sort-value="23"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #EDE683;" |$115
| style="background-color: #FDCD7EFDCC7E;" |6.1| style="background-color: #FEC77EFECD7F;" |8.9| style="background-color: #FFE483FFE383;" |13.9
| style="background-color: #C5DB81;" |31
| style="background-color: #9ECF7F;" |36
| style="background-color: #FCAC78;" |7
| style="background-color: #FEE883FEE683;" |5.4| style="background-color: #FDC87DFDCA7D;" |5
| [[Asics Gel Hyper Speed| Asics Gel Hyper Speed 7 Review]]
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |$75
| style="background-color: #AED480;" |10.9
| style="background-color: #CEDC81C8DB80;" |6.3| style="background-color: #BDD880BFD880;" |9.8
| style="background-color: #FEE983;" |22
| style="background-color: #E7E583;" |26
| style="background-color: #FED680;" |5
| style="background-color: #C2DA81C5DA81;" |6.8| style="background-color: #F6E984EEE683;" |7
| [[Altra Instinct| Altra Instinct 3.5 Review]]
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" data-sort-value="3"|Recommended
| style="background-color: #EDE683;" |$115
| style="background-color: #FBB078FBAF78;" |4.9| style="background-color: #FDBD7BFDC27C;" |9.3| style="background-color: #FED881FED781;" |15.2
| style="background-color: #F3E884;" |24
| style="background-color: #F7E984;" |23
| style="background-color: #79C47C;" |0
| style="background-color: #FDCE7EFDCC7E;" |4.5| style="background-color: #FEDB80FEDE81;" |6
| [[Asics Tarther Kainos| Asics Tarther Kainos 3 Review]]
| style="background-color: #FCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #FED280;" |$130
| style="background-color: #C2DA81C3DA81;" |10.0| style="background-color: #E1E282DBE081;" |6.9| style="background-color: #CFDD81D1DD81;" |10.7
| style="background-color: #FCC57C;" |17
| style="background-color: #E0E283;" |27
| style="background-color: #FA8771;" |9
| style="background-color: #C2DA81C5DB81;" |6.8| style="background-color: #F6E984EEE683;" |7
| [[Saucony Kinvara| Saucony Kinvara 7 Review]]
| style="background-color: #DCE182;" |$110
| style="background-color: #FBEA84;" |7.4
| style="background-color: #FFDD82FFE583;" |8.2| style="background-color: #F9E983FBEA83;" |12.8
| style="background-color: #F9EA84;" |23
| style="background-color: #E0E383;" |27
| style="background-color: #D9E081;" |3
| style="background-color: #E4E483E7E483;" |6.1| style="background-color: #FDD47FFDD780;" |6
| [[Nike LunaRacer| Nike LunaRacer 4 Review]]
| style="background-color: #97CD7E;" |$90
| style="background-color: #C4DA81;" |9.9
| style="background-color: #E5E382DFE182;" |7.0| style="background-color: #D3DE81D5DF81;" |10.9
| style="background-color: #FEE683;" |22
| style="background-color: #CDDD82;" |30
| style="background-color: #FCB079;" |7
| style="background-color: #BFD981C1DA81;" |6.9| style="background-color: #FEDB80FEDE81;" |6
| [[Nike LunarSpider| Nike LunarSpider R5 Review]]
| style="background-color: #FFDE82;" |$125
| style="background-color: #FEE282;" |6.9
| style="background-color: #DBE081D5DF81;" |6.7| style="background-color: #CADB80CCDC81;" |10.4
| style="background-color: #FCC17C;" |17
| style="background-color: #FEE282;" |21
| style="background-color: #E3E382;" |3
| style="background-color: #FDD07EFDCE7E;" |4.6| style="background-color: #F6E984EEE683;" |7
| [[Hoka Mafate| Hoka Mafate Speed Review]]
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" data-sort-value="1"|Best of the Best
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |$170
| style="background-color: #F7E984F8E984;" |7.6
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |11.9
| style="background-color: #FDBB7BFDBA7B;" |18.5
| style="background-color: #8CCA7E;" |39
| style="background-color: #86C87D;" |40
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |4
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |9.0
| style="background-color: #FA9B74FA9D75;" |3
| [[Pearl Izumi EM Road N0| Pearl Izumi EM Road N0 v2 Review]]
| style="background-color: #B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #B9D780;" |$100
| style="background-color: #EFE784F0E784;" |7.9| style="background-color: #D5DE81CFDD81;" |6.5| style="background-color: #C4DA80C5DA80;" |10.1
| style="background-color: #FBAE78;" |14
| style="background-color: #FDD780;" |20
| style="background-color: #FFEA84;" |4
| style="background-color: #FEE182FEDF81;" |5.2| style="background-color: #BFD981BAD780;" |8
| [[Hoka Odyssey| Hoka Odyssey Review]]
| Odyssey
| style="background-color: #FCAA78B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #FED280;" |$130
| style="background-color: #E2E383E3E383;" |8.5| style="background-color: #FDB87BFDBD7C;" |9.4| style="background-color: #FFDD82FFDC82;" |14.6
| style="background-color: #9CCF7F;" |37
| style="background-color: #66BF7C;" |45
| style="background-color: #FED981;" |5
| style="background-color: #90CB7E91CB7E;" |8.0| style="background-color: #FCBB7AFCBD7B;" |4
| [[Altra Olympus| Altra Olympus Review]]
| style="background-color: #B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #FED280;" |$130
| style="background-color: #FCBC7BFCBB7A;" |5.4
| style="background-color: #F96D6C;" |11.8
| style="background-color: #FDBC7BFDBB7B;" |18.4
| style="background-color: #DEE283;" |27
| style="background-color: #DEE283;" |27
| style="background-color: #CEDD81;" |3
| style="background-color: #D8E082DBE182;" |6.4| style="background-color: #FCB579FCB77A;" |4
| [[Altra One| Altra One 2.5 Review]]
| style="background-color: #B9D780;" |$100
| style="background-color: #E4E483;" |8.5
| style="background-color: #E9E482E2E282;" |7.1| style="background-color: #D7DF81D8DF81;" |11.1
| style="background-color: #FEE983;" |22
| style="background-color: #ECE683;" |25
| style="background-color: #C4DA80;" |2
| style="background-color: #E8E583EBE583;" |6.0| style="background-color: #D2DE82CBDC81;" |8
| [[Altra Paradigm| Altra Paradigm Review]]
| style="background-color: #FED280;" |$130
| style="background-color: #FDD780;" |6.4
| style="background-color: #FCA878FCAC78;" |9.9| style="background-color: #FED680FED580;" |15.4
| style="background-color: #ECE683;" |25
| style="background-color: #ECE683;" |25
| style="background-color: #AAD27F;" |1
| style="background-color: #D7E082D9E182;" |6.4| style="background-color: #FBAE78FBB078;" |4
| [[Asics Piranha SP| Asics Piranha SP 5 Review]]
| Piranha
| style="background-color: #B1D47FFFEB84;" data-sort-value="3"|Recommended
| style="background-color: #B9D780;" |$100
| style="background-color: #C0D981;" |10.1
| style="background-color: #87C87D86C87D;" |4.2
| style="background-color: #7CC57C;" |6.5
| style="background-color: #FA9573;" |11
| style="background-color: #FBB178;" |15
| style="background-color: #E2E282;" |3
| style="background-color: #FCC47CFCC27C;" |4.2| style="background-color: #88C97E86C87D;" |9
| [[Brooks PureFlow| Brooks PureFlow 5 Review]]
| PureFlow
| style="background-color: #FFEB84FCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #DCE182;" |$110
| style="background-color: #FDCC7E;" |6.0
| style="background-color: #FCAE79FCB37A;" |9.7| style="background-color: #FFD981FED881;" |15.1
| style="background-color: #E5E483;" |26
| style="background-color: #CFDE82;" |29
| style="background-color: #FFE483;" |5
| style="background-color: #EFE784F2E784;" |5.8| style="background-color: #BFD981BAD780;" |8
| [[Salming Race | Salming Race Review]]
| style="background-color: #FCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #FED280;" |$130
| style="background-color: #FEE282FEE182;" |6.9| style="background-color: #D5DE81CFDD81;" |6.5| style="background-color: #C4DA80C5DA80;" |10.1
| style="background-color: #FCBE7B;" |16
| style="background-color: #FDD47F;" |19
| style="background-color: #F5E883;" |4
| style="background-color: #FDCB7DFDC97D;" |4.5| style="background-color: #FEE783FFEB84;" |7
| [[New Balance RC1600| New Balance RC1600 v2 Review]]
| RC1600
| style="background-color: #FCAA78B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #DCE182;" |$110
| style="background-color: #DCE182DDE182;" |8.8| style="background-color: #B6D67FB2D47F;" |5.6| style="background-color: #A7D17EA9D27F;" |8.7
| style="background-color: #FCB479;" |15
| style="background-color: #FEE282;" |21
| style="background-color: #FFDC81;" |5
| style="background-color: #FEDA80FDD880;" |4.9| style="background-color: #ADD480A9D27F;" |8
| [[New Balance RC5000| New Balance RC5000 Review]]
| RC5000
| style="background-color: #B1D47F63BE7B;" data-sort-value="1"|Best of the Best
| style="background-color: #FFDE82;" |$125
| style="background-color: #90CB7E;" |12.2
| style="background-color: #6DC07B6CC07B;" |3.4
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |5.3
| style="background-color: #FBA476;" |13
| style="background-color: #FCC37C;" |17
| style="background-color: #DDE182;" |3
| style="background-color: #FCC27CFCC07B;" |4.2| style="background-color: #BFD981BAD780;" |8
| [[New Balance RC5000v2| New Balance RC5000v2 Review]]
| style="background-color: #FFDE82;" |$125
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |14.2
| style="background-color: #81C67C7FC67C;" |4.0| style="background-color: #75C37C76C37C;" |6.2
| style="background-color: #FBA777;" |13
| style="background-color: #FEDF81;" |21
| style="background-color: #FDBF7C;" |6
| style="background-color: #F5E984F9E984;" |5.7| style="background-color: #D2DE82CBDC81;" |8
| [[Skechers GoRun Ride| Skechers GoRun Ride 3 Review]]
| Ride
| style="background-color: #63BE7BFCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #85C87D;" |$85
| style="background-color: #FDC97D;" |5.9
| style="background-color: #FED680FFDD82;" |8.5| style="background-color: #FFEA84FFE984;" |13.2
| style="background-color: #FDCB7D;" |18
| style="background-color: #D8E082;" |28
| style="background-color: #FDC27D;" |6
| style="background-color: #FEDC81FEDA80;" |5.0| style="background-color: #9BCE7F97CD7E;" |9
| [[Inov-8 RoadXTreme 220 | Inov-8 RoadXTreme 220 Review]]
| style="background-color: #FCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |$120
| style="background-color: #FCB77AFCB679;" |5.2| style="background-color: #FFE483FFEB84;" |8.0| style="background-color: #FDBD7CFDBD7B;" |18.2
| style="background-color: #FBAB77;" |14
| style="background-color: #FDC67C;" |17
| style="background-color: #CBDC81;" |3
| style="background-color: #FCC27CFCC07B;" |4.2| style="background-color: #9BCE7F97CD7E;" |9|-| [[Topo ST-2| Topo ST-2 Review]]| ST-2| | style="background-color: #97CD7E;" |$90| style="background-color: #E9E583;" |8.2| style="background-color: #E8E482;" |7.3| style="background-color: #DFE182;" |11.4| style="background-color: #FDD880;" |20| style="background-color: #FDCE7E;" |18| style="background-color: #88C87D;" |0| style="background-color: #EBE683;" |6.0| style="background-color: #CBDC81;" |8
| [[Hoka Stinson| Hoka Stinson Lite Review]]
| Stinson
| style="background-color: #FCAA78B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #FA8370;" |$160
| style="background-color: #FDEB84FEEB84;" |7.3| style="background-color: #F9736DF9746D;" |11.6| style="background-color: #FDBF7CFDBE7C;" |18.1
| style="background-color: #A7D27F;" |35
| style="background-color: #86C87D;" |40
| style="background-color: #FECE7F;" |6
| style="background-color: #7BC57D7CC67D;" |8.5| style="background-color: #FA8F72FA9072;" |2
| [[Nike Zoom Streak LT| Nike Zoom Streak LT 3 Review]]
| Streak LT
| style="background-color: #B1D47F63BE7B;" data-sort-value="1"|Best of the Best
| style="background-color: #74C37C;" |$80
| style="background-color: #DBE182DCE182;" |8.8| style="background-color: #B0D47FACD37F;" |5.4| style="background-color: #A1D07EA2D07E;" |8.4
| style="background-color: #FCB97A;" |16
| style="background-color: #FEDF81;" |21
| style="background-color: #FFEA84;" |4
| style="background-color: #FDD57FFDD37F;" |4.8| style="background-color: #FEE182FEE482;" |6
| [[Adidas Takumi Sen| Adidas Takumi Sen 3 Review]]
| Takumi Sen 3
| style="background-color: #63BE7BB1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #FA8370;" |$160
| style="background-color: #F4E884;" |7.7
| style="background-color: #D7DF81D1DD81;" |6.6| style="background-color: #C6DA80C7DB80;" |10.2
| style="background-color: #FDC77D;" |17
| style="background-color: #FEE282;" |21
| style="background-color: #F6E883;" |4
| style="background-color: #FEDE81FEDC81;" |5.1| style="background-color: #FDD47FFDD780;" |6
| [[Altra Torin| Altra Torin 2.0 Review]]
| Torin
| style="background-color: #B1D47FFCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #FFDE82;" |$125
| style="background-color: #FDC67CFCC57C;" |5.8| style="background-color: #FCB279FDB67A;" |9.6
| style="background-color: #FFDA81;" |14.9
| style="background-color: #D6DF82;" |28
| style="background-color: #EFE784;" |25
| style="background-color: #6EC17B;" |-1
| style="background-color: #FCEB84FFEB84;" |5.5| style="background-color: #FDC87DFDCA7D;" |5
| [[Hoka Tracer| Hoka Tracer Review]]
| Tracer
| style="background-color: #FCAA78FFEB84;" data-sort-value="3"|Recommended
| style="background-color: #FED280;" |$130
| style="background-color: #FEEA83FEE983;" |7.2| style="background-color: #F3E783EBE582;" |7.4| style="background-color: #E0E282E2E282;" |11.5
| style="background-color: #FEE482;" |21
| style="background-color: #F6E984;" |24
| style="background-color: #C1D980;" |2
| style="background-color: #FEE683FEE382;" |5.3| style="background-color: #FEE182FEE482;" |6
| [[Merrell Trail Glove| Merrell Trail Glove 3 Review]]
| Trail Glove
| style="background-color: #FFEB8463BE7B;" data-sort-value="1"|Best of the Best
| style="background-color: #B9D780;" |$100
| style="background-color: #F97C6E;" |2.9
| style="background-color: #E2E282DBE081;" |6.9
| style="background-color: #FA8370;" |24.7
| style="background-color: #FA9573;" |11
| style="background-color: #7AC47C;" |0
| style="background-color: #F97E6F;" |2.0
| style="background-color: #9BCE7F97CD7E;" |9
| [[Topo Tribute| Topo Tribute Review]]
| Tribute
| style="background-color: #63BE7BFFEB84;" data-sort-value="3"|Recommended
| style="background-color: #B9D780;" |$100
| style="background-color: #FDC97D;" |5.9
| style="background-color: #EFE683E8E482;" |7.3| style="background-color: #DDE182DFE182;" |11.4
| style="background-color: #FEDA80;" |20
| style="background-color: #FDC77D;" |18
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |-1
| style="background-color: #FDC67DFCC57C;" |4.3| style="background-color: #F6E984EEE683;" |7
| [[Mizuno Wave Universe| Mizuno Wave Universe 5 Review]]
| Universe
| style="background-color: #FFEB84B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #FFDE82;" |$125
| style="background-color: #B3D580;" |10.7
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |3.1
| style="background-color: #CDDC81CFDD81;" |10.6
| style="background-color: #F98670;" |9
| style="background-color: #FA9D75;" |12
| style="background-color: #A7D17E;" |1
| style="background-color: #FBA777FBA676;" |3.3| style="background-color: #88C97E86C87D;" |9
| [[Merrell Vapor Glove| Merrell Vapor Glove 2 Review]]
| Vapor Glove
| style="background-color: #FFEB84B1D47F;" data-sort-value="2"|Highly Recommended
| style="background-color: #85C87D;" |$85
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |2.1
| style="background-color: #C7DB80C2D980;" |6.1
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |27.6
| style="background-color: #F8726C;" |6
| [[New Balance Vazee Pace | New Balance Vazee Pace Review]]
| Vazee Pace
| style="background-color: #B1D47FFCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #DCE182;" |$110
| style="background-color: #FDCB7EFDCB7D;" |6.0| style="background-color: #FED17FFED881;" |8.6| style="background-color: #FFE884FFE784;" |13.4
| style="background-color: #FDCB7D;" |18
| style="background-color: #F4E884;" |24
| style="background-color: #FDC27D;" |6
| style="background-color: #FEE182FEDF81;" |5.2| style="background-color: #FEE182FEE482;" |6
| [[Asics TartherZeal| Asics TartherZeal 3 Review]]
| Zeal
| style="background-color: #B1D47FFCAA78;" data-sort-value="4"|Worth considering
| style="background-color: #FDB87B;" |$140
| style="background-color: #ADD480;" |10.9
| style="background-color: #CDDC81C7DB80;" |6.3| style="background-color: #BCD780BED880;" |9.8
| style="background-color: #FCC57C;" |17
| style="background-color: #E0E283;" |27
| style="background-color: #FA8771;" |9
| style="background-color: #C2DA81C5DB81;" |6.8| style="background-color: #F6E984EEE683;" |7
It's not a running shoe, but I love the [[Hoka Tor Ultra]] hiking boot and I've tested the [[Altra Lone Peak Boot]].<br/>
Older shoe reviews: [[Saucony Hattori| Saucony Hattori Review]], [[Mizuno Cursoris| Mizuno Cursoris Review]], [[Skechers GO Bionic| Skechers GO Bionic 2 Review]], [[Hoka Clifton| Hoka Clifton Review]], [[Saucony Virrata| Saucony Virrata 2 Review]], [[Brooks PureCadence| Brooks PureCadence 3 Review]], [[Brooks PureConnect| Brooks PureConnect 3 Review]], [[Brooks PureFlow 3| Brooks PureFlow 3 Review]], [[Skechers GO Bionic| Skechers GO Bionic 2 Review]], [[New Balance 980| New Balance 980 Review]], [[Brooks Transcend| Brooks Transcend 2 Review]].<br/>
Reviews of shoes that are not worth including on the table: [[Hoka Huaka| Hoka Huaka Review]], [[Patagonia EVERlong| Patagonia EVERlong Review]].