From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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* A higher cadence also reduces peak leg deceleration as well as peak impact forces in the ankle and knee joints<ref name="Clarke-1985"/>.
* Higher cadence is also related to a reduction in [[Overstriding]]<ref name="Heiderscheit-2011"/>.
* A cadence of around 90 is also associated with greater running efficiency [[Running Economy]] than lower or higher cadences<ref name="Hamill-1995"/>, though another study found 85 was optimal<ref name="LiebermanWarrener2015"/>. One problem with these studies is that they allow little or no time for the runner to adapt to the tested cadence, and I think this makes it probable that the detected Running Economy is not representative.
* Not surprisingly, a higher cadence reduces [[Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness]] and the associated weakness<ref name="RowlandsEston2001"/>.
* One study<ref name="WILLSON"/> showed that as people become tired, their cadence goes up, and with the higher cadence goes lower impact forces. Although a shorter stride/faster cadence results in less landing force, a longer stride length/lower cadence is associated with less of the impact force reaching the head<ref name="Mercer-2003"/>.
<ref name="Brisswalter-1996">J. Brisswalter, P. Legros, M. Durand, Running economy, preferred step length correlated to body dimensions in elite middle distance runners., J Sports Med Phys Fitness, volume 36, issue 1, pages 7-15, Mar 1996, PMID [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8699842 8699842]</ref>
<ref name="Cavanagh-1989">PR. Cavanagh, R. Kram, Stride length in distance running: velocity, body dimensions, and added mass effects., Med Sci Sports Exerc, volume 21, issue 4, pages 467-79, Aug 1989, PMID [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2674599 2674599]</ref>
<ref name="LiebermanWarrener2015">D. E. Lieberman, A. G. Warrener, J. Wang, E. R. Castillo, Effects of stride frequency and foot position at landing on braking force, hip torque, impact peak force and the metabolic cost of running in humans, Journal of Experimental Biology, volume 218, issue 21, 2015, pages 3406–3414, ISSN [http://www.worldcat.org/issn/0022-0949 0022-0949], doi [http://dx.doi.org/10.1242/jeb.125500 10.1242/jeb.125500]</ref>