From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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{| class="wikitable sortable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;;font-size:80%"
! Name <!-- __sort__ __small__ -->
! Calories
! class="unsortable" | Recommended for
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=hammer%20gel Hammer Gel]</span>Gu Roctane| style="background-color: #FDCA7DFFEB84;" |90100| style="background-color: #FEDF81F4E884;" |23| 2| 2125| 15| 120
| 0
| 5
| 0
| 1.7
| 0
| style="background-color: #FA9D75C7DB81;" |20125| 055| data-sort-value="5035"| 0/25/5035| style="background-color: #8AC97DD0DD81;" |103201| style="background-color: #8FCA7DD0DD81;" |115201| 3332| style="background-color: #D5DF8279C57D;" |0.7078| style="background-color: #FFEB8487C97E;" |2.73| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |10| 38| Sensitive Stomachs|-| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=SIS+GO+Isotonic&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3ASIS+GO+Isotonic SIS Isotonic]</span>| style="background-color: #FCBD7B;" |86| style="background-color: #FDD07E;" |22| 0.6| 21.4| 0.6| 0| 0| 0| 0| style="background-color: #F98370;" |10| 0| 0| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |47| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |55| 60| style="background-color: #FA9273;" |0.37| style="background-color: #FA9172;" |13.4313| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |10| 1| Light, easy to digest, but big|-| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Carb+BOOM+&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3ACarb+BOOM+ Carb BOOM]</span>| style="background-color: #F0E784;" |110| style="background-color: #EDE683;" |27| 3| 24| 1.5| 1.5| 0| 0| 0| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |50| 50| 0| style="background-color: #A7D17E;" |145| style="background-color: #9BCE7E;" |132| 41| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |0.66| style="background-color: #FEE783;" |2.68| style="background-color: #83C77D;" |9| 1662| Hammer AlternativeThose looking for every advantage
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gu+energy+gel&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Agu+energy+gel Gu]</span>
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100
| style="background-color: #F9EA84F4E884;" |25
| 5
| 20
| 0
| 0/2
| style="background-color: #FFEB84FDCB7D;" |50
| 40
| data-sort-value="50"| 0/25/50
| style="background-color: #BCD780BED880;" |175| style="background-color: #BBD780BED880;" |175
| 32
| style="background-color: #78C47D79C57D;" |0.78
| style="background-color: #87C97E;" |3.13
| style="background-color: #A2D07F6AC07C;" |9.8
| 245
| General Use
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gu+roctane&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Agu+roctane Gu Roctane]</span>eGel| style="background-color: #FFEB8479C57D;" |100150| style="background-color: #F9EA8480C77D;" |2537| 7| 30| 0| 57| 200
| 0
| 0
| 1.7style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |230| 85
| 0
| style="background-color: #BED981FFDF82;" |125295| style="background-color: #CDDC81;" |197
| 55
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gu+energy+gel+peanut+butter&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Agu+energy+gel+peanut+butter Peanut Butter Gu]</span>Huma Chia
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100
| style="background-color: #FBB279FDD07E;" |2022| 5| 15| 0| 518
| 0
| 12.6
| 5.4
| 3
| 1
| 1
| 0
| style="background-color: #B4D57FFDC57D;" |164356| style="background-color: #B3D57FFDC57D;" |164356| 3246| style="background-color: #FEE082FCB479;" |0.6348| style="background-color: #87C97EFCC47C;" |32.13| style="background-color: #C1DA81;" |7| 4,290| A less sweet Gu|-| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=vfuel VFuel]</span>17| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100| style="background-color: #FEDF81;" |23| 6| 17| 6| 0| 0| 0| .1| style="background-color: #F98370;" |10| 15| 10| style="background-color: #B7D67F;" |168| style="background-color: #B6D57F;" |168| 32| style="background-color: #BDD881;" |0.72| style="background-color: #87C97E;" |3.13| style="background-color: #C1DA81;" |7| 1716| [[Fructose]] malabsorptionNot recommended
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=+Clif+Shot&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3A+Clif+Shot Clif Shot (new formula)]</span>
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100
| style="background-color: #FEEB84;" |24
| 0
| 0/1.5
| style="background-color: #DDE182E8E583;" |90
| 50
| data-sort-value="100"|0/25/50/100
| style="background-color: #FFE283FFE082;" |292| style="background-color: #FFDC81FFE082;" |292
| 34
| style="background-color: #CBDC81CDDD82;" |0.71
| style="background-color: #BFD981;" |2.94
| style="background-color: #E0E38382C77D;" |69.2
| 96
| A Gu Alternative
| <span EFS Energy Shots (per quarter shot)| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100| style="background-color: #F4E884;" |25| 12.5| 12.5| 9.4| 3.1| 0| 0.25| 0| style="background-color: #DEE283;" |100| 72.5| 0| style='"background-color:#0000FF'>[httpFED881;" |313| style="background-color://www#FED881;" |313| 32.amazon5| style="background-color: #86C87D;" |0.77| style="background-color: #96CD7E;" |3.08| style="background-color: #97CD7E;" |8.co7| 12| The flask approach might suit some|-| Peanut Butter Gu| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100| style="background-color: #FBB279;" |20| 5| 15| 0| 5| 0| 1| 1.uk/s/ref5| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |65| 60| 0| style=nb_sb_noss/279"background-3008037color: #B6D67F;" |164| style="background-1507112?urlcolor: #B6D67F;" |164| 32| style=search"background-alias%3Daps&fieldcolor: #FEE081;" |0.63| style="background-keywordscolor: #87C97E;" |3.13| style=USN+Vooma+Energy "background-color: #9ACE7F;" |8.6| 4,290| A less sweet Gu|-| USN Vooma Energy]</span>
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |23.8
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #D4DF82DEE283;" |100
| 50
| 30
| style="background-color: #E1E282E3E382;" |228| style="background-color: #E2E282E3E382;" |228
| 36
| style="background-color: #FDEB84FFEB84;" |0.66
| style="background-color: #F0E784;" |2.78
| style="background-color: #E0E383B3D680;" |68.0
| 2
| A Gu Alternative
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=efs+shots EFS Energy Shots (per quarter shot)]</span>| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100| style="background-color: #F9EA84;" |25| 12.5| 12.5| 9.4| 3.1| 0| 0.25| 0| style="background-color: #D4DF82;" |100| 72.5| 0| style="background-color: #FFDA81;" |313| style="background-color: #FECF7F;" |313| 32.5| style="background-color: #85C87D;" |0.77| style="background-color: #96CD7E;" |3.08| style="background-color: #FCEB84;" |5| 12| The flask approach might suit some|-| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=PowerBar+Gel&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3APowerBar+Gel PowerBar Gel]</span>| style="background-color: #F0E784E5E483;" |110| style="background-color: #EDE683E1E383;" |27
| 10
| 17
| 0
| 0/1.5
| style="background-color: #7DC67D80C77D;" |200
| 20
| data-sort-value="50"| 0/25/50
| style="background-color: #FFE283FFE082;" |293
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |267
| 41
| style="background-color: #FFEB84FEEA83;" |0.66
| style="background-color: #FEE783;" |2.68
| style="background-color: #FFEB84F1E784;" |56.4
| 5
| Those needing extra electrolytes
| eGelCarb BOOM| style="background-color: #B4D680E5E483;" |110| style="background-color: #E1E383;" |27| 3| 24| 1.5| 1.5| 0| 0| 0| style="background-color: #FDCB7D;" |50| 50| 0| style="background-color: #A8D27F;" |145| style="background-color: #9FCF7E;" |132| 41| style="background-color: #FEEA83;" |0.66| style="background-color: #FEE783;" |2.68| style="background-color: #FCEB84;" |6.2| 16| Hammer Alternative|-| TORQ |Gel| style="background-color: #DAE182;" |114| style="background-color: #CDDD82;" |29| 11| 18| 0.0| 11.0| 0| 0| 0| style="background-color: #FDC87D;" |49| 24| 0| style="background-color: #FFEA84;" |271| style="background-color: #EAE582;" |237| 45| style="background-color: #FEE583;" |0.64| style="background-color: #FEDD81;" |2.53| style="background-color: #FEEB84;" |6.1| 50| A lot of fructose|-| Glukos| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |60| style="background-color: #F8776D;" |16| 16| 0| 16| 0| 0| 0| 0| style="background-color: #F9806F;" |15|150| 0| style="background-color: #FFE683;" |280| style="background-color: #B4D680FB9674;" |37466| 70| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0.23| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0.86| style="background-color: #FEEB84;" |6.1| 0| Not Recommended|-| ISOStar| style="background-color: #DFE283;" |112| style="background-color: #D7E082;" |28| 15.8| 12.2| 715.8| 300
| 0
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #F1E784;" |80
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FFE183FDC57D;" |295357| style="background-color: #CBDC81FED580;" |197318| 5535| style="background-color: #F0E78463BE7B;" |0.6780| style="background-color: #FFEB8471C27C;" |23.7320| style="background-color: #FFEB84FEE783;" |5.9| 2011| A PowerBar Gel Alternative, might help with [[Cramps]]Not Recommended
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.co.uk/High-Summer-Fruits-Energy-Pack/dp/B005K8IGPS High5 EnergyGel]</span>
| style="background-color: #FDD17F;" |92
| style="background-color: #FEDF81;" |23
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FA9D75F98B71;" |20
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #97CD7E98CD7E;" |122| style="background-color: #9CCE7E9FCF7E;" |132
| 30
| style="background-color: #88C97E89C97E;" |0.77
| style="background-color: #99CE7F;" |3.07
| style="background-color: #FFEB84FEE683;" |5.9
| 0
| A less sweet Gu Alternative
| <span Chia Surge| style='"background-color:#0000FF'>[httpFA9974;" |75| style="background-color://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref#F98670;" |17| 11| 6| 11| 0| 0| 0| 1| style=nb_sb_noss?url"background-color: #F8696B;" |4| 26| 0| style=search"background-alias%3Daps&fieldcolor: #DAE081;" |215| style="background-keywords=ISOStar+Gel ISOStar]</span>color: #FFE383;" |287| 37| style="background-color: #EDE683FBAE78;" |1120.46| style="background-color: #E7E583FCBA7A;" |282.03| 15style="background-color: #FEE582;" |5.8| 12.335| Not Recommended|-| Hammer Gel| style="background-color: #FDCA7D;" |90| style="background-color: #FEDF81;" |23| 2| 15.821| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| style="background-color: #F98B71;" |20
| 0
| data-sort-value="50"| 0/25/50
| style="background-color: #8BC97D;" |103
| style="background-color: #93CB7D;" |115
| 33
| style="background-color: #D7E082;" |0.70
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |2.73
| style="background-color: #FEE182;" |5.6
| 38
| Sensitive Stomachs
| VFuel
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100
| style="background-color: #FEDF81;" |23
| 6
| 17
| 6
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 1| style="background-color: #F8756D;" |10| 15| 10| style="background-color: #B8D67F;" |168| style="background-color: #B8D67F;" |168| 32| style="background-color: #BFD981;" |0.72| style="background-color: #87C97E;" |3.13| style="background-color: #E5E483FED980;" |805.3| 17| [[Fructose]] malabsorption|-| 2nd Surge| style="background-color: #FDCA7D;" |90| style="background-color: #FA9573;" |18| 13
| 0
| 5
| 8
| 53
| 3
| 0
| style="background-color: #FEC77ED0DE82;" |357115| 15| 100| style="background-color: #FFE884;" |274| style="background-color: #FECB7EFFDB81;" |318304| 3530| style="background-color: #63BE7BFED880;" |0.8060| style="background-color: #71C27CADD480;" |3.2000| style="background-color: #FDD17F;" |4.9| 119
| Not Recommended
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Accel+Gel&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3AAccel+Gel Accel Gel]</span>
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100
| style="background-color: #FBB279;" |20
| 5
| 0
| style="background-color: #C7DB81D0DE82;" |115
| 30
| data-sort-value="20"|0/20
| style="background-color: #FFE082FFDF82;" |297| style="background-color: #FFD981FFDF82;" |297
| 37
| style="background-color: #FDC77DFDC67D;" |0.54
| style="background-color: #FEE983;" |2.70
| style="background-color: #FDD17FFDCE7E;" |4.7
| 32
| Improved Recovery and Ultradistances
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=island%20boost&sprefix=island+boost%2Caps Island Boost]</span>SIS Beta Fuel| style="background-color: #F9897163BE7B;" |70158| style="background-color: #F8776D63BE7B;" |1640| 19| 1621
| 0
| 16| 819
| 0
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FFEB84FAA075;" |50| 6530
| 0
| 0
| Not recommendedstyle="background-color: #FCAA78;" |419| style="background-color: #FEEA83;" |265| 60| style="background-color: #F9EA84;" |0.67| style="background-color: #FEE482;" |2.63| style="background-color: #FCC07B;" |4.1| | A lot of fructose
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Huma%20Chia Huma Chia ]</span>| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |100| style="background-color: #FDD07E;" |22| 18| 0| 12.6| 5.4| 3| 1| 1| style="background-color: #D0DE82;" |105| 30| 0| style="background-color: #FEC87E;" |356| style="background-color: #FDB57A;" |356| 46| style="background-color: #FCB479;" |0.48| style="background-color: #FCC47C;" |2.17| style="background-color: #FCB77A;" |3| 16| Not recommended|-| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Honey+Stinger+gel&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3AHoney+Stinger+gel Honey Stinger]</span>| style="background-color: #E2E383CADC81;" |120| style="background-color: #E2E383CDDD82;" |29
| 29
| 0
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #FFEB84FDCB7D;" |50
| 85
| data-sort-value="32"|0/32
| style="background-color: #F96D6CF8696B;" |572| style="background-color: #F8696BFB9273;" |477
| 37
| style="background-color: #75C47D76C47D;" |0.78
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |3.24
| style="background-color: #FA9D75FCB379;" |23.5
| 12
| Not Recommended
| Zipvit ZV7<sup>l</sup>SIS Isotonic| style="background-color: #63BE7BFCBD7B;" |20486| style="background-color: #63BE7BFDD07E;" |5122| 270.6| 2421.4| 180.6| 90| 0
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #F8756D;" |10
| 0
| 0
| <span style='color:#0000FF'>[http://www.rei.com/product/815338/chocolate-9-energy-gel Chocolate #9]</span>
| style="background-color: #F98971;" |70
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |15
| 0
| 3
| 10210
| 2
| 1
| 1
| style="background-color: #EAE583F6E984;" |75
| 0
| 0
| style="background-color: #F4E883F7E883;" |256| style="background-color: #FCAE79FDC17C;" |365
| 30
| style="background-color: #FCBB7AFCBA7A;" |0.50
| style="background-color: #FDCF7E;" |2.33
| style="background-color: #FA9D75F8696B;" |20.0
| 100,000+
| Not Generally Recommended