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=Long Runs for Jack Daniels Marathon Plans=
These tables are included because the definitions in the book are a little complex, and it is not obvious what the total distance, time or difficulty is for of some of these long runs. This is especially true of the elite plan for non-elite runners, where there is scaling of the time & distance. These workouts are not intended to replace the Jack Daniels book, but to supplement it.
==Jack Daniels 3rd Edition Marathon "Plan 2Q" Long Runs==
<include_PHP file="Vo2maxInc_JDMarathonPlan2Q"/>
==Jack Daniels 3rd Edition Marathon "4 Week Cycle Plan" Long Runs==
<include_PHP file="Vo2maxInc_JDMarathonPlan4W"/>
==Jack Daniels 2nd Edition Marathon "Plan A" Long Runs==
<include_PHP file="Vo2maxInc_JDMarathonPlanA"/>
==Jack Daniels 2nd Edition "Plan to Complete a Marathon" Long Runs==
<include_PHP file="Vo2maxInc_JDMarathonCompleting"/>
==Jack Daniels Scaled Elite/12 Weeks Plan Long Runs==
As the name suggests, the Jack Daniels Elite Plan is intended for elite marathon runners with a race time of 2:10 or less (VDOT 77+). The plan calls for scaling the workouts for sub-elite runners, with each mile being replaced with a time at the given pace. So an elite runner's 8 miles at easy pace becomes 48 minutes at easy pace. Likewise, marathon and tempo paces are scaled to 5 minutes and 4:45 respectively. This plan is called the elite plan in the second edition and the 12 week plan in the third edition.
<include_PHP file="Vo2maxInc_JDMarathonElite"/>
==Jack Daniels Marathon Unscaled Elite/12 Weeks Plan Long Runs==
This version of the elite plan is without the scaling, and is not what Jack Daniels recommends. It is included here for comparison.
<include_PHP file="Vo2maxInc_JDMarathonEliteRaw"/>