From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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! Rating for<br/>
! class="unsortable" | Recommendation ReasonValue for<br/>money
! class="unsortable" |
With Heart Rate Monitor
! class="unsortable" |
Without Heart Rate Monitor
|-| [[Garmin 620| Garmin 620 Review]]| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |5| style="background-color: #B1D580;" |4| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #98CE7F;" |4| {{Garmin 620 with HRM}}| {{Garmin 620 without HRM}}|-| [[Garmin 310XT| Garmin 310XT Review]]| style="background-color: #B1D580;" |4| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |5| style="background-color: #98CE7F;" |4| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |5| {{Garmin 310XT with HRM}}| {{Garmin 310XT without HRM}}|-| [[Garmin 610| Garmin 610 Review]]| style="background-color: #B1D580;" |4| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |5| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |5| {{Garmin 610 with HRM}}| {{Garmin 610 without HRM}}|-| [[Garmin 910XT| Garmin 910XT Review]]| style="background-color: #B1D580;" |4| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |5| style="background-color: #98CE7F;" |4| style="background-color: #98CE7F;" |4| {{Garmin 910XT with HRM}}| {{Garmin 910XT without HRM}}|-| [[Suunto Ambit2 R| Suunto Ambit2 R Review]]| style="background-color: #B1D580;" |4| style="background-color: #B1D580;" |4| style="background-color: #CCDD82;" |3| style="background-color: #CCDD82;" |3| {{Suunto Ambit2 R with HRM}}| {{Suunto Ambit2 R without HRM}}|-| [[Polar V800| Polar V800 Review]]| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |3| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |3| style="background-color: #CCDD82;" |3| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |2| {{Polar V800 With HRM}}| {{Polar V800 Without HRM}}|-| [[Motorola Motoactv| Motorola Motoactv Review]]| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |3| style="background-color: #FCBF7B;" |2| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #CCDD82;" |3| Not available as a package| {{Motoactv without HRM}}|-| [[TomTom Cardio Runner| TomTom Cardio Runner Review]]| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |3| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |3| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #CCDD82;" |3| {{TomTom Cardio Runner without HRM}}| Separate HR strap not needed|-| [[Polar M400| Polar M400 Review]]| style="background-color: #FA9473;" |1| style="background-color: #FA9473;" |1| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #FBAA77;" |1| {{Polar M400 With HRM}}| {{Polar M400 Without HRM}}|-| [[Soleus 1.0| Soleus 1.0 Review]]| style="background-color: #FA9473;" |1| style="background-color: #FA9473;" |1| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |2| Not supported| {{Soleus 1.0 without HRM}}|-| [[Garmin Fenix 2| Garmin Fenix 2 Review]]| style="background-color: #FA9473;" |1| style="background-color: #FA9473;" |1| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |2| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |2| {{Fenix 2 with HRM}}| {{Fenix 2 without HRM}}|-| [[Garmin 10| Garmin 10 Review]]| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #FBAA77;" |1| Not supported| {{Garmin 10 without HRM}} |}=Features={| class="wikitable sortable"! class="unsortable" | Review! [[GPS Accuracy|GPS <br/>Accuracy]]
! Weight (oz)
! Size (CM<sup>3</sup>)
! class="unsortable" |
! class="unsortable" | Pace from <br/>FootPod! class="unsortable" | Heart Rate <br/>Monitor! class="unsortable" | [[Cadence]]! class="unsortable" | Data Upload! Battery <br/>Life (hr)! Extended<br/>Battery<br/>Life (hr)! class="unsortable" | Altimeter! class="unsortable" | Navigation! class="unsortable" | Training <br/>Effect! class="unsortable" | [[Heart Rate Variability| HRV]] ! class="unsortable" | GPS Pre-cache
| [[Garmin 620| Garmin 620 Review]]
| style="background-color: #C6DB81;" |6.5
| style="background-color: #8BC97D;" |1.5
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Internal/Footpod/HRM (+/Alert)
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #F1E784E5E483;" |10| style="background-color: #FCEA84;" |10
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Record only
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| [[Garmin 310XT| Garmin 310XT Review]]
| style="background-color: #FBEA84;" |5.9
| style="background-color: #FED580;" |2.5
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |20
| style="background-color: #D6DF82;" |20
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Map of current route
| [[Garmin 610| Garmin 610 Review]]
| style="background-color: #CEDD82;" |6.4
| style="background-color: #FED580;" |2.5
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #D9E081;" |Footpod (+/Alert)
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |8
| style="background-color: #FDCA7D;" |8
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Back to start
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Record only
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| [[Garmin 910XT| Garmin 910XT Review]]
| style="background-color: #ABD380;" |6.8
| style="background-color: #FED580;" |2.5
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |20
| style="background-color: #D6DF82;" |20
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Map of current route
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Record only
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| [[Suunto Ambit2 R| Suunto Ambit2 R Review]]
| style="background-color: #B1D580;" |4| style="background-color: #B1D580;" |4| style="background-color: #B1D580;" |4| A good watch at a reasonable price. | {{Suunto Ambit2 R with HRM}}| {{Suunto Ambit2 R without HRM}}| style="background-color: #FEE783FEE883;" |5.8
| style="background-color: #FED580;" |2.5
| style="background-color: #F7E883;" |30
| style="background-color: #D9E081;" |Internal/Footpod
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Limited
| style="background-color: #FDCA7DFFEB84;" |8| style="background-color: #C3DA81;" |25
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Back to start map
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Record only
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| [[Polar V800| Polar V800 Review]]
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |7.6
| style="background-color: #FCA777;" |2.8
| style="background-color: #D9E081;" |Footpod
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Limited
| style="background-color: #C7DB81BED981;" |13| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |50
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Back to start
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Display
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Predictive, not cached
| [[Motorola Motoactv| Motorola Motoactv Review]]
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |1.2
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |20
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |Poor (~IPX7 with seals in place)
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #D9E081;" |Footpod (+Alert)
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Limited
| style="background-color: #FA9473;" |6
| style="background-color: #F98971;" |6
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| [[TomTom Cardio Runner| TomTom Cardio Runner Review]]
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |3| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |3| style="background-color: #FCBF7B;" |2| Heart Rate monitoring without the chest strap| {{TomTom Cardio Runner without HRM}}| Separate HR strap not needed| style="background-color: #FBAB77FCBB7A;" |5.0
| style="background-color: #EAE582;" |2.2
| style="background-color: #F7E883;" |30
| style="background-color: #D9E081;" |Internal/Footpod
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |8
| style="background-color: #FDCA7D;" |8
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| [[Polar RC3 GPSM400| Polar RC3 GPS M400 Review]]| style="background-color: #FCBF7BF8696B;" |2| style="background-color: #FCBF7B;" |2| style="background-color: #FCBF7B;" |2| Better [[Heart Rate Monitor]]ing than Garmin3.| {{Polar RC3 GPS with HRM}}| {{Polar RC3 GPS without HRM}}| style="background-color: #FCB379;" |5.1| style="background-color: #CFDD81;" |2.0| style="background-color: #E8E4829ECF7E;" |2924| style="background-color: #FDC27C63BE7B;" |Poor Good (IPX7 with seals in place30m)
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Limited
| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |8
| style="background-color: #FDCA7D;" |8
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #FDC27C;" |Back to start
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| [[Soleus 1.0| Soleus 1.0 Review]]
| style="background-color: #CFDD81;" |2.0
| style="background-color: #D9E081;" |28
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Good (30m)
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #F8696BFFEB84;" |No8
| style="background-color: #FDCA7D;" |8
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| [[Garmin Fenix 2| Garmin Fenix 2 Review]]
| style="background-color: #FA9473;" |1| style="background-color: #FA9473;" |1| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |3| The most features, but [[GPS Accuracy| mediocre GPS Accuracy]].| {{Fenix 2 with HRM}}| {{Fenix 2 without HRM}}| style="background-color: #FA9573FBAB77;" |4.7
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |3.2
| style="background-color: #FFE583;" |32
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Internal/Footpod/HRM
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #AAD380A4D17F;" |15| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |50
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Map of current route
| [[Garmin 10| Garmin 10 Review]]
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |0| Small and cheap, but [[GPS Accuracy| appalling GPS Accuracy]] <br/>and there are better watches for not much more.| Not supported| {{Garmin 10 without HRM}} | style="background-color: #F8696BF98A71;" |4.1
| style="background-color: #70C17B;" |1.3
| style="background-color: #FFE283;" |33
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No
| style="background-color: #63BE7B;" |Yes
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |5
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |5
| style="background-color: #F8696B;" |No