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* [[Modified Atkins Diet]] (MAD). The MAD started by accident, when a child was put onto the Atkins diet prior to starting the traditional [[Ketogenic Diet]] and their seizures stopped. The MAD is stricter than the usual Atkins Diet.
* [[Low Glycemic Index Treatment]] (LGIT). The LGIT restricts the carbohydrate intake to only those foods with a [[Glycemic Index]] of less than 50. However, the LGIT is more than just restricting the glycemic index, and requires a fat intake of 60% with a ketogenic ratio of 1:1. The LGIT is similar to the MAD and restricts carbohydrates to 40-60 grams/day.
Here's part of a comparison table available from [http://www.biomedj.org/temp/BiomedJ3619-222263_061026.pdf biomedj.org]<ref name="Liu-2012"/>:
{| class="wikitable"
! Question
! [[Ketogenic Ratio Diet]]
! [[MCT Diet]]
! [[Low Glycemic Index Treatment]]
! [[Modified Atkins Diet]]
| Medical Supervision
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
| High in fat?
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
| Low in Carbs?
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
| [[Ketogenic Ratio]]?
| 4:1 to 1:1
| Not ratio based
| ~1:1
| ~1:1
| Carbs allowed on 2000 Cal diet?
| 7g (4:1) to 110g (1:1)
| 95g
| 40-60g
| 20-30g
| How is foot measured?
| Weighed
| Weighed
| Weighed or estimated
| Estimated
| Initiation
| Hospital
| Hospital
| Home
| Home
| Calorie controlled?
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
| No
| [[Health Checks for the Ketogenic Diet]]
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
| Side Effects?
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
* The [[Ketogenic Diet]] has traditionally been fine tuned to maintain urine ketone levels to 3-4+ (80-160 mmol).
<ref name="Wheless2008">James W. Wheless, History of the ketogenic diet, Epilepsia, volume 49, 2008, pages 3–5, ISSN [http://www.worldcat.org/issn/00139580 00139580], doi [http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01821.x 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01821.x]</ref>
<ref name="Liu-2012">YM. Liu, HS. Wang, Medium-chain triglyceride ketogenic diet, an effective treatment for drug-resistant epilepsy and a comparison with other ketogenic diets., Biomed J, volume 36, issue 1, pages 9-15, doi [http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/2319-4170.107154 10.4103/2319-4170.107154], PMID [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23515148 23515148]</ref>
<ref name="Kossoff-2011-2220">Eric. Kossoff, [http://www.amazon.com/Ketogenic-Diets-Eric-H-Kossoff/dp/1936303108 Ketogenic diets : treatments for epilepsy and other disorders], date 2011, publisher Demos Health, location New York, isbn 1-936303-10-8, Kindle Offset 2220</ref>
<ref name="Kossoff-2011-4020">Eric. Kossoff, [http://www.amazon.com/Ketogenic-Diets-Eric-H-Kossoff/dp/1936303108 Ketogenic diets : treatments for epilepsy and other disorders], date 2011, publisher Demos Health, location New York, isbn 1-936303-10-8, Kindle Offset 4020</ref>
<ref name="Kossoff-2011-2469">Eric. Kossoff, [http://www.amazon.com/Ketogenic-Diets-Eric-H-Kossoff/dp/1936303108 Ketogenic diets : treatments for epilepsy and other disorders], date 2011, publisher Demos Health, location New York, isbn 1-936303-10-8, Kindle Offset 2469</ref>