From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Downhill Running and Training}}
[[File:Tim Davis Snowdon Race 2005.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Skill at downhill running is critical to many trail races, as you can see in this image of Tim Davis on his way to win the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowdon_Race Snowdon Race in Wales]. Image by [https://www.flickr.com/photos/theancientbrit/ Denis Egan].]]
By focusing on downhill running, I've been able to run 100 mile races without any [[Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness]]. Focusing on the downhills is a critical training tool, and sadly one of the most ignored. While downhill running has obvious benefits for hilly races, it also protects your muscles from the damage of long distance races even on flat courses.
=Why Downhill?=