From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
no edit summary
| Mixed evidence
| Mixed evidence
| Conflicting evidence of reduced endurance adaptations[[Endurance Adaptations]]
| [[Stretching]]
==Carbohydrate and Protein==
{{Main| Nutrient Timing}}
The damage of DOMS requires repair, so it's not surprising that taking protein [[Protein]] or amino acids, which are the building blocks of the muscle fibers, helps with recovery.
* Most studies show that amino acids reduce muscle soreness<ref name="HowatsonHoad2012"/><ref name="Greer-2007"/> <ref name="Matsumoto-2009"/><ref name="Shimomura-2010"/>, and may<ref name="Shimomura-2010"/><ref name="Greer-2007"/> or may not reduce weakness<ref name="Jackman-2010"/><ref name="Nosaka-2006"/><ref name="Jackman-2010"/>.
* Most studies have shown that protein will reduce muscle weakness after DOMS inducing exercise<ref name="CockburnHayes2008"/><ref name="Valentine-2008"/> <ref name="CookeRybalka2010"/><ref name="Cockburn-2010"/><ref name="Etheridge-2008"/>, with only two studies showing no improvement<ref name="Wojcik-2001"/><ref name="Green-2008"/>.
{{Main| Massage}}
[[Massage ]] is widely used to prevent and treat injuries. Most meta-analysis suggest that post-exercise massage helps with the soreness of DOMS<ref name="Ernst-1998"/><ref name="Moraska-2005"/>, though the mechanisms are unclear<ref name="Tiidus-1997"/>. Studies that give massage 2-3 hours after DOMS inducing exercise showed reduced soreness<ref name="Smith-1994"/><ref name="Zainuddin-2005"/><ref name="Hilbert2003"/>, but not weakness<ref name="Zainuddin-2005"/><ref name="Hilbert2003"/>. One study that gave massage 2 days after exercise that resulted in reduced soreness and improved muscle function<ref name="MancinelliDavis2006"/>, but other studies that use massage 24 hours or more after exercise showed no benefit<ref name="Hart-"/><ref name="Dawson-2004"/>. Therefore it seems likely that the timing of the massage is important, though other factors, such as the style of massage and the extent of the DOMS may also change the outcome.
{{Main| Warmup}}
Performing a [[Warmup]] before exercise may help reduce DOMS pain<ref name="Law-2007"/><ref name="RahnamaRahmani-Nia2005"/>, but not all studies support this<ref name="Evans-2002"/>.
==Light Exercise==
Light training in the days following DOMS inducing exercise generally accepted to be one of the most effective ways of reducing muscle soreness, but unfortunately the reduction in pain is temporary<ref name="Armstrong-1984"/><ref name="Zainuddin-2006"/><ref name="Howatson-2008"/><ref name="Cheung-2003"/>. A study that looked at running 30 minutes/day after DOMS inducing downhill running shows that the extra exercise neither helped nor hindered with soreness, weakness or running economy[[Running Economy]]<ref name="ChenNosaka2008"/>. (The study only looked at the 7 days following the downhill running, and it would be interesting to know if there are any longer term differences.)
TENS may reduce the soreness of DOMS<ref name="Denegar-1989"/>, but the effect seems to be transient<ref name="Denegar"/> and the effect is reduced if combined with icing<ref name="Denegar-1992"/>. Not all studies show any pain reduction<ref name="Bonacci-1997"/> and none show a reduction in the weakness.
[[Cryotherapy| Icing]] does not help<ref name="Yackzan-"/><ref name="Shunsuke-2004"/><ref name="Gulick-17"/><ref name="Paddon-Jones-1997"/>, and can make DOMS worse<ref name="TsengLee2012"/><ref name="Isabell-1992"/>. Ice reduces pain slightly, but does not restore strength<ref name="Denegar-1992"/>
==Antioxidants - Vitamin C and E==
The evidence for anti-oxidants is mixed, with some studies showing a benefit but not others. Note that one study below showed an impaired recovery with vitamin C supplementation. In addition, there is mixed evidence that vitamin C and/or vitamin E reduces endurance adaptations [[Endurance Adaptations]] from exercise<ref name="Gomez-Cabrera-2008"/><ref name="RistowZarse2009"/><ref name="Strobel-2011"/> or they do not<ref name="Wadley-2010"/><ref name="Higashida-2011"/> <ref name="YfantiAkerstrom2009"/>.
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! Vitamin C
{{Main| Stretching}}
[[Stretching ]] before<ref name="High-1989"/><ref name="Johansson-1999"/> <ref name="Wessel-1994"/>, after <ref name="Johansson-1999"/><ref name="Buroker-1989"/><ref name="Herbert-2007"/>, or both before and after<ref name="Lund-1998"/> exercise does not help with DOMS. In fact, stretching alone can induce DOMS<ref name="Smith-1993"/>.
{{Main|NSAIDs and Running}}