From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
,no edit summary
==Safe Browsing==
For a safe browsing environment for things like on-line banking, here's my current recommendation.
===Initial downloads===
* Download VMware player (www.vmware.com)
* Download the latest version of Ubuntu (32 bit) as an ISO file
===Install Ubuntu===
* Install VMware player
* Start VMware player and create a new virtual machine
* Specify the Ubuntu ISO you downloaded earlier as the installation
* Answer the other VMware questions
* Allow VMware to install it's add on for Ubuntu
** On Windows 7 you need to approve admin rights for the VMware add on, so wait for it to pop up. If it times out, the add on won't install
* Wait for the install to finish
===Finalize Browser===
* Log onto Ubuntu
* Start Firefox
* Install NoScript for Firefox (noscript.net)
** Read the instructions on NoScript. It is intrusive and annoying, but it's far safer with NoScript.
* Install Web of Trust for Firefox (www.mywot.com)
* Install Perspectives for Firefox (perspectives-project.org)
===Other Notes===
* All software is free
* You need a reasonably powerful machine
* The Firefox plugins are recommended for all browsing environments.
* Using a netbook as an Ubuntu machine for secure browsing is an option, but I had issues with getting Ubuntu drivers for my netbook.
==Removing Viruses==
Some notes on cleaning infected PCs