
Runkeeper is similar to Dailymile, and it has some advantages over Dailymile, such as tack other health related data such as sleep.

  • The social side of runkeeper seems far less effective than other sites such as Dailymile or Fitocracy.
  • Runkeeper has much better privacy settings than Dailymile, where all data is public. See below for a screenshot of the Runkeeper privacy settings, which includes the ability to make your general run data public (distance, pace), but keep the route private.
  • There is no leaderboard or way of tracking and finding other runners.
  • Runkeeper will automatically update and you can import workouts from Runkeeper into Fitocracy.
  • Runkeeper does have some good analytics, but many of the reports require the paid membership.
  • A minor concern is the limits on how much text, and the formatting of the text, that is attached to a workout. This limits you to trivial comments, which devalues the purpose of the site.
Runkeeper Privacy Settings