From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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** If the email thread is inappropriate or offensive, simply state that and optionally what action you are going to take. It may be best to send an email to just the troublemaker(s) rather than Reply All. Always think through your motivation; are the other people are behaving unreasonably or is it just you are threatened by the discussion.
** If you feel your inbox is getting overwhelmed, simply ask to be taken of the distribution list.
* '''Giving thanks.''' Putting some type of thank you in your email signature reduces the sentiment to crass insincerity. If you want to thank someone in an email, thank them specificallytake the time to type the words, otherwise leave it off. People you communicate with regularly will soon notice a fixed 'Thanks'. Finishing an email off with “cheers” or similar informal greeting can offend some recipients.
* '''Mobile Signatures.''' The default signature of mobile devices that say “sent from my iPhone” or similar provides marketing for the manufacturer but make you look stupid. Either you think using that device makes you cool (it doesn’t) or you’re too dumb to know how to change the message. Instead, change the signature to “sent from a mobile phone, please excuse brevity, spelling and grammar”.
* '''Succinct Emails.''' If you have a short, one line email to send, just put it in the subject line, ending with "(nm)" for No Message. Leave the body of the email blank by removing all text, including your signature. So "Donuts in my cube (nm)" gets the message across without someone having to open the email.