From Fellrnr.com, Running tips
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What you eat before a race is critical to your performance and enjoyment. The most important thing is to follow the [[The Golden Rule of Racing]] and try different things in your training. You should think of your training runs, especially the long runs, as a test bed for perfecting many aspects of your racing.
== The night before ==
* If you are traveling for a race, eating out can add to your stress. After some bad experiences spending ages waiting for a table and getting to bed late the night before a race, I gave up eating out. Now I get carry out and eat at the hotel. Not so elegant, but a lot easier.
* I know a runner who did remarkably well with lots of ice cream. Easily digested, lots of carbs, fat and a little protein, and easy to eat.
== Breakfast ==
* Some people need a very empty stomach to race. When I was racing marathon distances, I found I had a problem if I ate anything solid on the morning of the race. Doing ultra distances, I find I do better with food.
* The makeup of breakfast needs experimentation. Some people like a plain bagel for instance.