,no edit summary
This is my race calendar, showing my past results (along with race reports) and my future plans.__NOTOC__
=Races in 20132014=
{| class="wikitable"
!'''Date '''!!'''Race '''!'''Objective'''!'''Status '''!!'''Race Report'''
|12/2622/1314 |The Sultan 50K[http://jager66.wix.com/mitchellsplash Mount Mitchell Challenge]| Training Run|56:4451|[[2013 Sultan 50K]]
|23/28/14 | [http://www.graveyard100.com/ Graveyard 100] | Race| 16:48 (4th place) | [[2014 Graveyard 100]] |-| 4/5/13|[http://www.charlotteultrarunumstead100.org/ Greenway 50KUmstead 100]|4Race| Booked | |-| 5/17/14| [http://www.keys100.com/ Keys 100]| Training Run| Booked| |-| 6/7/14 | [http://www.theboogieraces.com/ Midnight Boogie 50] | Training Run| Booked| |-| July 14 | [http://www.badwater.com/ Badwater 135] | Survival| Booked| |-| 9/27/14 | [http://www.etinternet.net/~runrbike/hinsoninfo.htm Hinson Lake 24 Hour] | | Booked | |-| 11/15/14 | [http://www.runcharlotte.com/ Thunder Road Marathon] | Pacing| Tentative| |}=Races in 2013={|class="wikitable"! '''Date '''! '''Race '''! '''Status '''! '''Race Report '''
|21/1626/13 |[http://www.mbmarathon.com/ Myrtle Beach marathon] The Sultan 50K |Pacer 5:44 |[[2013 Sultan 50K]]
|32/92/1213 |[http://www.graveyard100charlotteultrarun.comorg/ Graveyard 100Greenway 50K]|174:41 (3rd male, 4th overall)11 |[[2013 Graveyard 100]]
|42/616/13|[http://www.umstead100mbmarathon.orgcom/ Umstead 100Myrtle Beach marathon]|62.5 miles + working the [[Aid Stations| aid station]]. Pacer |[[2013 Umstead 100]]
|63/89/13|[http://www.theboogieracesgraveyard100.com/ Midnight Boogie 50Graveyard 100] |8.54.17:41 (8th3rd male, 4th overall)|[[2013 Graveyard 100]]
|74/14-176/13|[http://www.badwaterumstead100.comorg/ Badwater 135Umstead 100] |Crewing & pacing62.5 miles + working the [[Aid Stations| aid station]]. |[[2013 Pacing Badwater 135Umstead 100]]
|6/8/11/13|[http://www.claudesinclairtheboogieraces.com/ Laurel ValleyMidnight Boogie 50] |08:49:218.54.41 (8th) |
|97/2814-17/13|[http://www.hinsonlake24hourbadwater.com/ Hinson Lake 24 HourBadwater 135]|47 milesCrewing & pacing |[[2013 Hinson Lake 24 HourPacing Badwater 135]]
|8/11/9/13|[http://www.croatan24claudesinclair.com/Home.html Croatan 24 HourLaurel Valley]|106, 3rd place08:49:21 |[[2013 Croatan 24 Hour]]
|119/1628/13|[http://www.runcharlotteetinternet.comnet/ Thunder Road Marathon~runrbike/hinsoninfo.htm Hinson Lake 24 Hour] |4:00 Pacer 47 miles |[[2013 Hinson Lake 24 Hour]]
|1211/79/13|[http://www.tablerockultrascroatan24.com/ Table Rock 50 MileHome.html Croatan 24 Hour]|Tentative106, 3rd place |[[2013 Croatan 24 Hour]]
|1211/3116/13|[http://www.my-bmrcruncharlotte.orgcom/ Freedom Park 24 HourThunder Road Marathon]|Tentative4:00 Pacer |
=Races in 2012=