
Vespa Gel

84 bytes removed, 17:14, 25 February 2013
<ref name="VAAMMiceFat">JAIRO | The Activation of Fatty Acid Metabolism by Vespa Amino Acid Mixture (VAAM)and Related Nutrients during Endurance Exercise in Mice </ref>
<ref name="VAAMSwimMice">Effects of <I>Vespa</I> Amino Acid Mixture (VAAM) lsolated from Hornet Larval Saliva and Modified VAAM Nutrients on Endurance Exercise in Swimming Mice </ref>
<ref name="Demura-2003">{{Cite journal | last1 = Demura | first1 = S. | last2 = Nagasawa | first2 = Demura, Y. | last3 = Kitabayashi | first3 = Nagasawa, T. | last4 = Matsuzawa | first4 = Kitabayashi, J. | title = Matsuzawa, Effect of amino acid mixture intake on physiological responses and rating of perceived exertion during cycling exercise. | journal = , Percept Mot Skills | , volume = 96 | , issue = 3 Pt 1 | , pages = 883-95 | month = , Jun | year = 2003 | doi = | , PMID = [ 12831267 }}]</ref><ref name="TsuchitaShirai-Morishita1997">{{cite journal|last1=Hiroshi Tsuchita|first1=Hiroshi|last2=, Yoko Shirai-Morishita|first2=Yoko|last3=, Taki Shimizu|first3=Taki|last4=, Takashi Abe|first4=Takashi|title=, Effects of a Vespa amino acid mixture identical to hornet larval saliva on the blood biochemical indices of running rats|journal=, Nutrition Research|, volume=17|, issue=6|year=, 1997|, pages=999–1012|, ISSN [ 02715317|], doi [ 10.1016/S0271-5317(97)00064-X}}]</ref>
<ref name="VAAMUnpublishedHR">Hornet Juice Sports Drink Burns Fat for Extra Energy and Endurance </ref>
<ref name="SasaiMatsuo2011">{{cite journal|last1=Hiroyuki Sasai|first1=Hiroyuki|last2=, Tomoaki Matsuo|first2=Tomoaki|last3=, Minoru Fujita|first3=Minoru|last4=, Masato Saito|first4=Masato|last5=, Kiyoji Tanaka|first5=Kiyoji|title=, Effects of regular exercise combined with ingestion of vespa amino acid mixture on aerobic fitness and cardiovascular disease risk factors in sedentary older women: A preliminary study|journal=, Geriatrics & Gerontology International|, volume=11|, issue=1|year=, 2011|, pages=24–31|, ISSN [|14441586], doi [ 10.1111/j.1447-0594.2010.00630.x}}]</ref>
<ref name="VespaGel">VESPA CV-25 (12 pack of pouches) </ref>
<ref name="TakashiYoshiya1991">{{cite journal|last1=Abe Takashi|first1=Abe|last2=, Tanaka Yoshiya|first2=Tanaka|last3=, Miyazaki Hiromitsu|first3=Miyazaki|last4=, Kawasaki Yasuko Y.|first4=Kawasaki|title=, Comparative study of the composition of hornet larval saliva, its effect on behaviour and role of trophallaxis|journal=, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology|, volume=99|, issue=1-2|year=, 1991|, pages=79–84|, ISSN [|03064492], doi [ 10.1016/0742-8413(91)90079-9}}]</ref>
<ref name="VAAMketone">Science Links Japan | Effects of ingestion of Vespa Amino Acid Mixture (VAAM) under postprandial conditions on blood ketone body concentrations during prolonged exercise in humans. </ref>