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{{DISPLAYTITLE:FIRST's Run Less, Run Faster}}[[File:FIRST.jpg|right|thumb|200px|[ FIRST's Run less, run faster].]]The FIRST (Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training) plan is an evolution of the [[Jack Daniels Running Formula]]'s approach and is described in the book "Run Less, Run Faster"<ref>Run Less, Run Faster from Amazon</ref>. The FIRST plan Its unique feature is different in that it prescribes uses only 3 three days of running per week with two days of cross training. The three days of running are a [[Long Run]], a [[Tempo Runs| tempo run]], and 2 an [[Interval Training]] session. This makes FIRST a tough training plan, as every run is a hard workout, with no easy "fun" running. It is possible to use this training plan without the two days of cross trainingbut according to the Furman Institute their research has shown that this is less effective. FIRST is also the only plan I have come across that actually attempts a scientific evaluation of their training methodology. Like Jack Daniels it provides specific training paces based on fitness level for clearly defined workouts. This article should be read in conjunction with my [[A Comparison of Marathon Training Plans| Comparison of Marathon Training Plans]]. {{BuyAmazon|AZID=159486649X|AZN=FIRST's Run less, run faster}}=Marathon Training Plan=Summary The FIRST book includes not only the main marathon plan, but also the same plan with the paces filled in for various Boston Qualification paces. However, those BQ plans don't have different workouts, they just save you the effort of filling in the paces. Note that this is not a plan for beginners. * Key Characteristics ** Run 3 days/week, cross train 2 days/week.** Each week includes a tempo run, an interval run, and a [[Long Run]].** Ramps (mileage increase/week): There really isn't a ramp for this plan==and you need to be running 16-20 miles before you start. * Pros** Training pace based on fitness.** The [[Long Run]]s are not at a slow pace, but between marathon pace and marathon pace + 60 seconds. While there is no speedwork per se in the [[Long Run]]s, the [[Long Run]]s at marathon pace are good idea.** Precise training paces and distances provided for all runs.** A great option for a triathlete or other multisport athlete.* Cons** This plan is for someone already pretty much trained up to the marathon level. * Race performances * Some runners find the workouts too hard, especially if they are not used to define speedwork.** No easy, fun running.** You have to like cross training paces. (The FIRST * Modifications** This plan is very similar does not require any obvious modifications. ** It might be reasonable to add some speed work into the [[Jack Daniels Running FormulaLong Run]] and developed by people who worked with based on the Jack Danielsprogram.** I would suggest using a percentage offset from Marathon Pace rather than a fixed time offset if you're a faster runner.)* Athletes only * Converting the [[Tempo Runs]] into a medium long run 3 or a [[High Intensity Interval Training]] workout. * [[Overtraining]] risk** Only running three days per weekdoes help reduce the risk of [[Overtraining]]. However, because those three runs are all extremely tough the risk of them quality runs[[Overtraining]] may be a little higher than you'd expect. Also, the risk of [[Overtraining]] is likely to depend on the nature and intensity of the cross training you do. Overall, I would rate this plan as low to moderate risk of [[Overtraining]]. ** Interval It is <span style='color:#FF0000'>critical </span>that you select training paces based on your actual fitness measured by a previous race. Using training paces based on your target finish time will increase the risk of [[Overtraining]] and likely reduce the effectiveness of your training .** Tempo run{{MarathonGoodFor}}:** Long run{{MarathonBeginner}}: 0. There's no build up, so beginners should look elsewhere.* * {{MarathonNovice}}: 1. There are plans for different levels of runner's no build up, so beginners should look elsewhere.** Novice runners {{MarathonRinger}}: 2. Unless you're an established half marathon racer who has done enough Overdistance training for their first 5Kto be used to 16 miles [[Long Run]]s, look elsewhere.** Intermediate 5K runners{{MarathonMaintenance}}: 2. This plan is typically for someone wanting to improve, and is more work than you need for simple maintenance.** Competitive plans for 5K{{MarathonImprover}}: 4. This is a great plan someone looking to improve, 10Kbut be careful if you've not done a lot of speed work before. You'll need to start this plan at a point where you're comfortable with 16-20 mile [[Long Run]]s, half so don't leave a big gap between your prior marathon and marathonusing this plan for your next race.** Plans dedicated to Boston qualification{{MarathonEnthusiast}}: 4. This is one of the top plans if you think you can handle two speed work sessions per week. However, I think the speed work during the [[Long Run]]s gives the [[Jack Daniels Running Formula]] plans an edge over the FIRST plan.* Athletes cross train * {{MarathonElite}}: 2-3 times . This is a reasonable contender for elites, but you're probably better off with the [[Jack Daniels Running Formula]]'s Elite Plan.** '''Limited Training Time''': 4. This plan requires three days per week, but he needs to do two days of cross training as well.* There are sections on strength and flexibility training in the book* For '''Traditionalist''': 2. This plan is rather different from the traditional marathon, the long run is performed faster than most runners training paceplan by only having three days of high intensity running per week.** '''Triathlete/Multisport''': 5. The hardest long run is 20 miles at 15 seconds This plan naturally incorporates to cross training days per mile slower than target race paceweek, making it a good choice for multisport athletes.  ==Fellrnr Likes== * Lots of quality * '''Prior [[Overtraining]]''': 3. While reducing your runningto three days per week will help prevent [[Overtraining]], lots having all three runs as high intensity does increase the risk of recovery time[[Overtraining]]. I would rate this plan has a low to moderate risk** '''Sub 3:00''': 5. This plan adapts well to fast runners.* The authors have tested their * '''3:00-4:30''': 5. This plan out, showing that adapts well to mid-pack runners do make significant gains using their system. * There are age compensated pace tables* '''4:30-5:30''': 3. This plan could work, but you're probably better off with [[Galloway]].** '''5:30+''': 0. Use [[Galloway]].** '''Speedwork'''. This plan has two speed work sessions per week, and no easy running, so you have to really like speed work.==Fellrnr Dislikes=Novice Marathon Training Plan=* The training paces are fixed offsets from novice plan has the same speedwork as the race pacemain plan, but rather different [[Long Run]]s. * Key Characteristics ** Run 3 days/week, not percentagescross train 2 days/week. Running 15 seconds slower than ** Each week includes a tempo run, an interval run, and a 6 min[[Long Run]].** Ramps (mileage increase/mile race pace week): The ramp up is a much bigger drop than for someone racing at 12 min/milefairly moderate and comparable with other plans that would suit a new runner. * Pros** Training pace based on fitness. * It'* The [[Long Run]]s are not clear how much benefit at a slow pace, but between marathon pace and marathon pace + 45 seconds. While there is from no speedwork per se in the [[Long Run]]s, the [[Long Run]]s at marathon pace are good idea. Note that while the Long Runs are shorter than the main plan, the cross paces are slightly faster. ** Precise trainingpaces and distances provided for all runs.** A great option for a triathlete or other multisport athlete.* Cons** Some runners find the workouts too hard, especially if they are not used to speedwork.** No easy, or what fun running.** You have to like cross training is most beneficial.* Modifications* I am * This plan does not a big believer in tempo runsrequire any obvious modifications. They ** It might be reasonable to add some speed work, but into the [[Long Run]] based on the Jack Daniels program.** I believe that interval training is more effectivewould suggest using a percentage offset from Marathon Pace rather than a fixed time offset if you're a faster runner. ** Converting the [[Tempo Runs]] into a medium long run or a [[High Intensity Interval Training]] workout. == Minor grumbles==* [[Overtraining]] risk* The book has * Only running three days per week does help reduce the training programs dispersed through the bookrisk of [[Overtraining]]. However, making them hard to find* There because those three runs are all extremely tough the risk of [[Overtraining]] may be a lot little higher than you'd expect. Also, the risk of anecdotal stories [[Overtraining]] is likely to back up depend on the success nature and intensity of the cross training you do. Overall, I would rate this plan, which interrupts as low to moderate risk of [[Overtraining]].** It is <span style='color:#FF0000'>critical </span>that you select training paces based on your actual fitness measured by a previous race. Using training paces based on your target finish time will increase the risk of [[Overtraining]] and likely reduce the floweffectiveness of your training. ==Conclusion==* {{MarathonGoodFor}}:** {{MarathonBeginner}}: 2. This is a highly recommended training book – I purchased reasonable approach for a beginner, but your lack of speedwork is likely to be an issue. Either look at [[Galloway]]/[[Higdon]], or use the FIRST approach for a copy shorter race to get used to the intensity .** {{MarathonNovice}}: 3. The ramp-up is pretty gentle , but you probably have to keepbe trained up for a half marathon distance before starting this plan, as it is quite short.** {{MarathonRinger}}: 4. The reduction in training would novice plan could work well for any runneryou, though it only gives you three runs that I would classify as [[Long Run]]s; a 16, 18, and 20 miler. It's a good choice if you only have 16 weeks, but would suit triathletes especiallyif you have longer, I'd suggest looking at [[Higdon]] or [[Jack Daniels Running Formula]] 4Week program. ** {{MarathonMaintenance}}: 2. This plan requires more speedwork than you probably want, and is more targeted to beginners. ** {{MarathonImprover}}: 3. This might be a worthwhile option if you've let your Long Run distance slide and need to build up again.** {{MarathonEnthusiast}}: 2. Probably not ideal as this brings you back to a shorter Long Run than is ideal.** {{MarathonElite}}: 0. Look elsewhere.** '''Limited Training Time''': 4. The principles This plan requires three days per week, but he needs to do two days of running cross training as well.** '''Traditionalist''': 2. This plan is rather different from the traditional marathon training plan by only having three quality days and of high intensity running per week.** '''Triathlete/Multisport''': 5. This plan naturally incorporates to cross training days per week, making it a good choice for two could be adapted multisport athletes. ** '''Prior [[Overtraining]]''': 3. While reducing your running to other plansthree days per week will help prevent [[Overtraining]], such having all three runs as high intensity does increase the risk of [[Jack Daniels Running FormulaOvertraining]]. I have been interested would rate this plan has a low to moderate risk** '''Sub 3:00''': 5. This plan adapts well to fast runners.** '''3:00-4:30''': 5. This plan adapts well to find a number of mid-pack runners who .** '''4:30-5:30''': 3. This plan could work, but you're probably better off with [[Galloway]].** '''5:30+''': 0. Use [[Galloway]].** '''Speedwork'''. This plan has two speed work sessions per week, and no easy running, so you have naturally found this pattern to really like speed work.=Marathon Plan Characteristics=The table below shoes the key characteristics of the plans. For more details and a comparison with other training plans, see [[A Comparison of Marathon Training Plans]].{| class="wikitable sortable"! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" class="unsortable" | Plan! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |Name! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |# Runs 16+! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |# Runs 20+! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |Total Miles Over 16! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |Starting Mileage! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |Weeks To 16! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |Weeks 16 To Max! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |16 To Race! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |Max To Race! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |Initial Ramp (First To 16)! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |Core Ramp (3plus216 To Max) ! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |Overall Ramp (first to work very well for themmax)|-| style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |[[FIRST]]| style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |Novice| style="background-color: #FCB77A;" |3 | style="background-color: #F98370;" |1 | style="background-color: #FEEB84;" |6 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |8 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |8 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |4 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |7 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |3 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |0.88 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |0.90 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |0.75 |-| style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |[[FIRST]]| style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |Marathon| style="background-color: #FAEA84;" |8 | style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |5 | style="background-color: #D8E082;" |25 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |13 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |2 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |1 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |13 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |12 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |2.00 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |3.00 | style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |2. 30 |}{{:A Comparison of Marathon Training Plans-ColumnNotes}}{| class="wikitable sortable"! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" class="unsortable" | Plan! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |name! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>16! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>15! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>14! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>13! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>12! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>11! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>10! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>9! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>8! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>7! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>6! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>5! style=References"background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>4! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>3! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<br/>2! style="background-color: #DDD9C4;" |week<referencesbr/>1|-| style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |[[FIRST]]| style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |Novice| style="background-color: #C3D980;" |8| style="background-color: #CFDD81;" |9| style="background-color: #DBE081;" |10| style="background-color: #E7E482;" |11| style="background-color: #F3E783;" |12| style="background-color: #FFE483;" |14| style="background-color: #DBE081;" |10| style="background-color: #FFDC82;" |15| style="background-color: #FED580;" |<span style='color:#00B050'>16</span>| style="background-color: #F3E783;" |12| style="background-color: #FDC57D;" |18| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |13| style="background-color: #FDB67A;" |<span style='color:#FF0000'>20</span>| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |13| style="background-color: #C3D980;" |8| style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |race|-| style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |[[FIRST]]| style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |Marathon| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |13| style="background-color: #FFDC82;" |15| style="background-color: #FECD7F;" |<span style='color:#00B050'>17</span>| style="background-color: #FDB67A;" |<span style='color:#FF0000'>20</span>| style="background-color: #FDC57D;" |18| style="background-color: #FDB67A;" |20| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |13| style="background-color: #FDC57D;" |18| style="background-color: #FDB67A;" |20| style="background-color: #FFDC82;" |15| style="background-color: #FDB67A;" |20| style="background-color: #FFDC82;" |15| style="background-color: #FDB67A;" |20| style="background-color: #FFEB84;" |13| style="background-color: #DBE081;" |10| style="background-color: #DAEEF3;" |race|}=Plans for Other Distances=There are plans for different levels of runner:** Novice runners training for their first 5K.** Intermediate 5K runners.** Competitive plans for 5K, 10K, and half marathon.=Changes for the Second Edition=Note that the second edition is remarkably similar to the original, but it has been updated based on feedback and questions for the first edition. It's probably not worth upgrading if you're reading the book as general training advice, but if you're going to follow the program, I'd recommend the latest copy. The second edition has 5K training paces that now include 30-40 min 5K, don't cover 15-16 min 5K pace. Also the novice marathon plan is now in the book rather than just on the web.{{:Comparison of marathon training plans-suitability}}[[Category:Training]][[Category:Marathon]]