
Mental fortitude

67 bytes added, 11:26, 12 April 2013
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* '''The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune'''. Everybody experiences suffering to varying degrees as part of normal life. I used to think that my [[Epidermolysis Bullosa|skin condition]]<span style='color:#FF0000'> </span>was a huge impediment to endurance running. However I now believe that the pain and misery of this affliction has prepared me well for the hardship of long distance running. I have yet to encounter suffering on a run the compares to the horrors I have experienced due to my skin.
* '''Train hard'''. Training provides some of the best experiences for building mental fortitude. Training should be looked at not only as a way of changing our physical bodies, but also as a method of forging our minds and spirits. Hard training teaches us the nature of suffering and how to withstand it. Training can give us familiarity with the routine discomfort of hard running and this familiarity helps give us confidence to carry on when things become tough. Training can also teach us about the types of aches and pains which are symptomatic of problems that should not be ignored. Hard training is not just about the length and intensity of the running, but also experiencing adverse conditions. [[Running in the Dark]], [[Running in the Heat|heat]], [[Running in the Cold|cold]], or [[Running in the Rain|rain]], all help bring about greater fortitude.
* '''[[Motivation]]'''. It's important to understand why you're undergoing this hardship. Continuing will always be a balance between [[Motivation]] and [[The Ivan Scale Of Perceived Suffering|suffering]]; when the suffering becomes greater than the motivation [[Motivation]] you'll quit. ** '''Specific goal'''. Having some concrete specific goal can provide a lot of motivation[[Motivation]]. Getting into a race or a training run only to realize you're not quite sure why you're there will undermine any vague motivation[[Motivation]].** '''Fallback goals'''. You should have a goal as part of your motivation[[Motivation]], but it can be important to have fallback goals. Without these fallback goals it becomes impossible to continue with your primary goal becomes unobtainable.
** '''Visualize the glory.''' Thinking about how you will celebrate your success can be a strong motivator. This might be thinking about what you will tell your friends and family, it might be composing an entry for your training report, or it might be as simple as rewarding yourself with hot chocolate after you finished.
** '''Positive motivation [[Motivation]] is best.''' Some motivation [[Motivation]] is negative in nature, such as the fear of failure. While negative motivation [[Motivation]] can be potent, it can also be brittle. A more positive motivation[[Motivation]], based around desire for success is more resilient.
* '''Positive mental attitude'''. As with so many things in life, a positive mental attitude helps in running. Focusing on what's going well, rather than what's going badly, can sustain us. Being positive to those around us can help support them and reinforces our own positive mental state. Many times I have found that focusing on encouraging other runners and telling them how well they're doing has helped me stay positive. I believe that encouraging others is an important part of contributing to the sport. Some of the most deeply satisfying memories I have of racing are from when I've been able to help another runner through a tough spot.
** '''Predator mindset'''. There are some situations where it is easy to fall into a victim mindset, and be overwhelmed by fear. This is common at sunset on hundred mile races, where runners are tired, cold, and far from home. It's easy to become disturbed, and start jumping at shadows and strange noises. I've learned that it is possible to change your mindset and picture yourself as predator rather than prey. Believing that you are the biggest, baddest thing out in the woods that night helps provide the confidence to carry on. (Many thanks for Doom for teaching me this essential lesson.)
* '''Thoughts of loved ones. '''There is some evidence that viewing pictures of those we love can reduce the perceived level of pain. It does not seem unreasonable therefore, that thinking about the people we love most can help us withstand other forms of suffering.
* '''Stay relaxed.''' It's important to stay relaxed and fluid while running, and avoid letting the pain cause you to tense up. Don't rail against the anguish, but accept it, let it flow through you and out of you.
* '''Pray for strength and solace. '''Faith and belief in God can provide motivation[[Motivation]], strength and comfort. Prayer can also provide a form of dissociation, as well as providing spiritual inspiration.
* '''Know when to quit'''. Sometimes we need to mental fortitude to keep going when we have the overwhelming desire to quit. But there are also times when we need the mental fortitude to quit when we don't want to. If continuing is likely to result in long-term damage it may be better to accept defeat so that we can fight on another day. Yet again, experience helps in determining when a problem is one that should be overcome or not. I've undergone agony while running, but known but it's something that I'll bounce back from in a short time. I've also felt minor twinges which caused me to stop running because I knew they were symptomatic of a more significant problem and one that would quickly become ruinous.
* '''Mantras'''. A mantra is a sound word or phrase that is repeated to bring about "spiritual transformation". A mantra can help focus the mind on something positive and provide some level of dissociation. Common mantras while running are things like "I can do it" to stay positive, "slow and smooth" to stay relaxed, or "pass no one" to stay slow at the beginning of the race.
* '''Rest. '''Fatigue and exhaustion undermine fortitude, leaving us as mentally weak as it does physically. Therefore, rest and recuperation are an important part of building mental fortitude. There can be value in training hard when fatigued, as this increases the difficulty. However, this should only be done periodically, and with periods of complete restoration. Lack of respite from stress leads to burnout, overtraining[[Overtraining]], [[Overtraining Syndrome]], and clinical depression.
* '''Know yourself.''' Hardship is an opportunity to learn who you are and can be a self-revelation. Running can provide solitude and time for introspection, allowing us to meet ourselves. This self-knowledge is a valuable part of mental fortitude.
* '''Suck it up, cupcake.''' Accept that sometimes you just have to suck it up. ''"When you're going through hell, keep going."'' Winston Churchill.